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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
timotimo doesn't segfault on my machine, oddly neough 00:22
not even running with valgrind gives a single peep when compiling nqpmo 00:31
oh i might have found it 00:35
i have an idea
not finding the right fix yet, but what happens is that a spesh candidate gets freed even though it should still be in use, and the jit code was being accessed to help find a dynvar 00:45
so it's either a temp root missing somewhere (or in multiple places of course) or one of the gc_mark or root adding functions missing something 00:46
nine had a gcc plugin that can find missing temp roots 00:47
probably needs to have MVMSpeshCandidate added to the list of collectables
02:01 AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined, AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined
nwc10 good *, #moarvm 06:03
06:08 Kaiepi left 06:16 domidumont joined 06:36 Kaiepi joined 06:50 Altai-man joined 07:10 leont joined 07:19 sena_kun joined 07:21 Altai-man left 07:26 zakharyas joined 07:30 zakharyas1 joined 07:31 zakharyas left 07:41 domidumont left
MasterDuke oldest child's first ever day of school. the house is quieter 08:09
timotimo: good thinking. though for some reason now i'm getting `cc1: error: failed to initialize plugin` when running... 08:19
oh, i think my python was upgraded recently, maybe i need to rebuild the plugin 08:22
yep, that was it 08:24
hm, lots of output. i think nine++ said there are a bunch of false positives that he reviewed 08:26
can i trim the list of things down to just MVMSpeshCandidate to see if there are any related to that? or does it need the whole list to work?
oooh, if i do that i get a bunch of "Missing root for `spesh_cand`...". this looks promising 08:28
timotimo: pushed a new commit fixing the things that found. however, it doesn't change anything for me, i still get a segv when compiling nqpmo 09:38
valgrind is noisy though, and `MVM_spesh_candidate_add (MVMSpeshCandidate.c:260)` is in its errors 09:39
timotimo "is in", but only in the "was alloc'd at" section, right? 09:47
MasterDuke yeah 09:53
`if (candidate->body.jitcode) 65 MVM_jit_code_destroy(tc, candidate->body.jitcode);` is in the free'd at section 09:54
afk for a bit, should be able to check back after lunch 09:56
timotimo yeah, i believe it's correct that the gc_free calls jit_code_destroy to free the thing, it's just that something is neglecting to tell the GC that the spesh candidate object is still needed 10:07
11:18 Altai-man joined 11:20 sena_kun left 11:44 zakharyas1 left, squashable6 left 11:46 squashable6 joined
MasterDuke timotimo: a missing MVMROOT somewhere? or an incorrect gc_mark? 12:37
hm. should there be some condition for this to add the candidate? e.g., `if (!body->spesh_candidates[i]->body.jitcode)` 12:50
13:01 zakharyas joined
timotimo no, i don't think there ought to be a conditional in that gc_mark 13:16
MasterDuke or should the mark of the candidates instead happen in the MVMStaticFrameSpesh.c's gc_free?
timotimo at least in that code i don't see anything that marks jit code stuff? 13:17
MasterDuke instead of its gc_mark
timotimo no, marking doesn't belong in gc_free
oh that's because there's nothing in a jit code to be marked 13:19
but i would think there's a place missing that puts a pointer to an MVMSpeshCandidate into a worklist or a temporary root 13:20
the piece of code that repr_alloc_init's the MVMSpeshCandidate is inside the "must not GC in spesh" area 13:22
that will want to be adjusted 13:23
MasterDuke ah
the `tc->spesh_active_graph = NULL;`? 13:24
timotimo no
steal the two ifdefed lines from spesh_gc_point and put them around the repr_alloc_init of the candidate 13:25
MasterDuke `tc->in_spesh = 0;` then back to 1? 13:27
timotimo yeah 13:28
MasterDuke but not ifdef'ed? 13:29
timotimo do ifdef it
MasterDuke no change 13:30
timotimo well, it'll only prevent the panic if you've got gc debug turned on 13:31
will let me get further in valgrind with gc debug cranked up all the way 13:32
MasterDuke ah, ok
timotimo ==43742== Address 0xefefefefefeff00f is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd 13:33
MasterDuke that's an amusing address
timotimo i think we have a memset for 0xfe somewhere 13:35
MasterDuke couple in src/core/threadcontext.c
timotimo only the nursery? 13:36
MasterDuke didn't look 13:39
btw, is correct?
looks like from_space and to_space are set. the tc itself is when destroyed 13:41
timotimo not sure if these lines are right. what happens if you leave them in? 13:43
MasterDuke jnthn mentioned "they may become redundant", but i don't remember if i've tried with them in. doing so now 13:45
timotimo ok, how on earth does this MVMStaticFrameSpesh have valid contents, but the one MVMSpeshCandidate it points to is b0rked 13:46
MasterDuke magic. a missing root somewhere?
no change if i uncomment those lines
timotimo when the MVMStaticFraeSpesh gets marked, it's supposed to mark all its candidates as well 13:47
does the MVMSpeshPlanned need to mark the things? 13:48
MasterDuke it marks its MVMStaticFrame, is that not sufficient? 13:55
timotimo ah, that's probably enough, yeah 13:56
MasterDuke oh, what about this comment and code? all stays the same? 14:13
timotimo yeah i think that's correct 14:14
MasterDuke afk for a while again. will be back in the evening at least 14:22
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MasterDuke well, building with MVM_GC_DEBUG set to 3 hasn't really turned up any new information 18:36
18:38 sena_kun left 18:41 sena_kun joined
timotimo i guess i'll have to rr it 18:43
MasterDuke oh, i just got a new backtrace. get_osr_deopt_index at src/spesh/osr.c:14 18:45
`if (cand->body.deopts[2 * i] == offset)` and cand's body is garbage
(gdb) p (MVMSpeshCandidateBody) (cand->body)$2 = {cs = 0xefefefefefefefef, type_tuple = 0xefefefefefefefef, discarded = 239 '\357', bytecode_size = 4025479151, bytecode = 0xefefefefefefefef <error: Cannot access memory at address 0xefefefefefefefef>, handlers = 0xefefefefefefefef, spesh_slots = 0xefefefefefefefef, num_spesh_slots = 4025479151,
num_deopts = 4025479151, deopts = 0xefefefefefefefef, deopt_named_used_bit_field = 17289301308300324847, deopt_pea = {materialize_info = 0xefefefefefefefef, materialize_info_num = 17289301308300324847, materialize_info_alloc = 17289301308300324847, deopt_point = 0xefefefefefefefef, deopt_point_num = 17289301308300324847, deopt_point_alloc =
17289301308300324847}, num_inlines = 4025479151, inlines = 0xefefefefefefefef, local_types = 0xefefefefefefefef, lexical_types = 0xefefefefefefefef, num_locals = 61423, num_lexicals = 61423, work_size = 4025479151, env_size = 4025479151, num_handlers = 4025479151, jitcode = 0xefefefefefefefef, deopt_usage_info = 0xefefefefefefefef}
but yeah, i still can't use rr on this desktop, if you can find something that would be great 18:46
if frame #2, MVM_spesh_osr_poll_for_result (tc=0x55555555aec0) at src/spesh/osr.c:171 `perform_osr(tc, spesh->body.spesh_candidates[ag_result]);`, spesh->body looks fine 19:18
19:18 Altai-man joined
MasterDuke {spesh_arg_guard = 0x55555570b2a0, spesh_candidates = 0x55555557e1d0, num_spesh_candidates = 1, spesh_entries_recorded = 169, spesh_stats = 0x7ffff0017c90, plugin_state = 0x0, num_heap_promotions = 0} 19:18
but yeah, spesh->body.spesh_candidates[0] is all 0xefefefefefefefef 19:19
timotimo huh
now that's interesting
MasterDuke oh?
timotimo the spot where the candidate data gets overwritten to be fefefe is in a gc run caused by creating a spesh candidate 19:20
19:21 sena_kun left
MasterDuke huh 19:21
timotimo i wonder if it's the previous spesh candidate that's getting blorped out 19:23
MasterDuke here? 19:25
timotimo that link doesn't seem to point at a line on my end
19:25 zakharyas joined
MasterDuke you have to unfold/expand the lines 19:26
right above here does that link work?
timotimo that one work
MasterDuke it and the lines right above are what i meant 19:27
timotimo i mean more like the code that calls this function 19:32
it's a loop over the planned things
MasterDuke ah 19:33
timotimo so the allocation of a spesh candidate that runs the GC where the SpeshCandidate that later gets accessed blows up is when n is 4 out of 10 in that loop 19:34
getting super annoyed by the MVMROOT vs debugger thing yet again 19:35
MasterDuke i assume there's nothing special about 4, that just happens to be when the GC happens? 19:36
timotimo this level of gc debug forces a gc after every allocation 19:39
it's two different SFs at least 19:41
yeah, the plan has all different SFs 19:42
MasterDuke oh, so it could be something about the plan itself if not every gc is a problem 19:45
timotimo could be; including something about the sf being "interesting" 19:49
i mean, the plan is marked, so all SFs that have something planned for it during the current spesh round are all marked 19:50
and there's no allocation in between creating the candidate and bumping the number of candidates
so any just-added candidate should be reachable "immediately" 19:51
MasterDuke hmm 19:53
timotimo why isn't any fprintf(stderr, ...) in gc_mark of MVMStaticFrame, MVMStaticFrameSpesh, or MVMSpeshCandidate firing?! 20:02
MasterDuke i get the same with MVM_GC_DEBUG set to 3. but i get prints with it set to 0 20:05
timotimo wtf.
are the static frames perhaps from-the-beginning put into gen2? 20:06
in that case, we will quite possibly have to MVM_ASSIGN_REF the MVMSpeshCandidate into MVMStaticFrameSpesh?
and also the MVMStaticFrameSpesh into MVMStaticFrame, though i would assume that is already done 20:07
MasterDuke i don't know MVM_ASSIGN_REF 20:12
20:18 domidumont left
timotimo MVM_ASSIGN_REF gets information about the object assigned into as well as what is being assigned 20:24
so when the object that is being assigned into is a gen2 object and the one being assigned is a nursery object, it knows to mark the pointer into the inter-generation set 20:25
because a nursery collection will not go through gen2 objects at all, it would then miss the pointer in question
MasterDuke src/6model/reprs/MVMStaticFrame.c has some in its copy_to 20:30
none in src/6model/reprs/MVMStaticFrameSpesh.c (except the one they all have in type_object_for)
20:37 zakharyas left
MasterDuke so we would add one in src/6model/reprs/MVMStaticFrameSpesh.c ? when it marks the candidates? 20:39
timotimo it doesn't belong in marking 20:41
it goes where a pointer value is set
i think it would go where we put a candidate into the candidates list 20:45
but also
when we reallocate the candidates list, we'll want to re-ASSIGN_REF all the entries
or else earlier entries may get missed again 20:46
MasterDuke hrm 20:52
so `sg->cand = candidate;` and `new_candidate_list[spesh->body.num_spesh_candidates] = candidate;`? 20:54
in src/6model/reprs/MVMSpeshCandidate.c 20:58
21:04 Altai-man left
timotimo i think so, yeah 21:13
i always got confused by the arguments to MVM_ASSIGN_REF 21:14
MasterDuke has no idea
jnthn iirc, they're: tc, the collectable that will come to reference the object, the place to assign to, and the thing to assign 21:55
Sorry I've not had time to follow more closely today; $dayjob task used all the brane, and I had a few other bits to do this evening
MasterDuke thanks. i'll be to bed soon, but should come back to this tomorrow evening 21:58
23:29 leont left