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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
nine Aaand another issue found: seems like explicitly-managed strings have never been handled correctly by the generated function bodies. 10:24
MasterDuke jnthn, nine: i put a watch on frame->work[i].o in MVM_gc_root_add_frame_registers_to_worklist, but when i reverse back to the start of the program nothing stands out (i.e., i don't see any of the code i modified in any of the backtraces). any further suggestions for debugging this "Invalid owner in item added to GC worklist"? 13:12
nine MasterDuke: so the outdated pointer comes from a work register? Where does that come from? 13:13
MasterDuke nine: not sure what you mean by where, but here is the backtrace at the panic 13:23
nine Where does the value come from that ends up in the register? Since work registers are always processed by the GC the value must have been outdated already when it got written to that register. Follow the value 13:27