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Set by AlexDaniel on 12 June 2018.
MasterDuke is ready for review. i moved some complexity around, but i think the end result is a simpler CI configuration than before 09:40
lizmat could there be a reason why a call to TWEAK is *always* red in any --profile I try? 12:38
dogbert11 heh, a SEGV 13:12
caused by the oom killer I suspect 13:14
if anyone is in a detective mode the gist is here: 13:15
dogbert11 will go for a walk
lizmat so, if I have a string of 1 MB, and I take a substr from it, will that be a copy or will it just be an index into the 1MB string and thus keeping that alive in memory ? 13:27
asking for myself :-) 13:28
nine The latter 13:41
But that depends on the input string and how it was created in the first place
dogbert11 problem seems to vanish with MVM_SPESH_INLINE_DISABLE=1 14:56
according to perf the program seems to spend an inordinate amount of time in MVM_profiler_log_gc_end 14:58
jnthn lizmat: Probably because it's called with flattening args, and such calls never get specialized 15:51
tellable6 2021-04-30T21:25:54Z #moarvm <MasterDuke> jnthn in case you missed them, some questions here
jnthn (And yes, that issue is resolved in new-disp) 15:52
lizmat cool 15:53
tellable6 hey lizmat, you have a message:
lizmat .tell tbrowder putting it in a DateTime::Julian module would be a good start for code evaluation 15:54
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to tbrowder
lizmat afk&
nine jnthn: is there anything that newdisp doesn't fix? How's it dealing with global warming btw? 16:10
nwc10 well, presumably it helps marginally by using less CPU to acchieve the same thing. 16:12
(this also reduces server costs fractionally) 16:13
nine That's, that's...entirely too sensical an answer for this kind of question
nwc10 it was an open goal
tbrowder .tell lzmat 16:16
tellable6 tbrowder, I haven't seen lzmat around, did you mean lizmat?
tbrowder .tell lizmat WILCO
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to lizmat
jnthn It doesn't do the things rakuast will :P 19:30