Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
nine There are one or two places in NQP code where we currently lock but where an atomic increment would suffice 06:06
block cuids for example
Altai-man hi, folks 09:01
anything blocking the moarvm release I should know about?
Geth MoarVM/2021.08: 47eef13560 | Altai-man++ | docs/ChangeLog
Update ChangeLog for 2021.08 release
lizmat Altai-man: not to my knowledge 10:13
Altai-man lizmat, thanks
Altai-man will do bumps, another Blin run and then pack 10:14
lizmat ++Altai-man
Geth MoarVM/2021.08: 240c3cc180 | Altai-man++ | VERSION
Bump VERSION for release
MoarVM/2021.08: 9ef282e854 | Altai-man++ | tools/release.sh
Add new 3rdparty to the release script
Geth MoarVM: Altai-man++ created pull request #1530:
2021.08 release
MoarVM/master: 4 commits pushed by Altai-man++ 12:54