Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
timo in inline cache we only free inline cache entries by freeing them from the fsa, but we dont look into the entries to get at the dp themselves to free them 03:15
so that is where the fix for the leak probably lies
oh thats not what cleanup entry does i guess 03:28
Geth MoarVM/new-disp: 88081523a4 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/disp/inline_cache.c
destroy dispatch programs from inline entries when destroying static frames
timo this reduces the amount of leaked allocations from dispatch programs 03:46
Nicholas good *, #moarvm 07:47
jnthnwrthngtn: you suggested that new-disp could be more performant if the dispatch program "dispatcher" could use computed goto (where available). I had a quick look, but it's not obvious to me *which* switch statement in which file is the main dispatch loop that this would be for. Could you drop a hint? 07:49
(also, not promising that I'll get to this, but I figured that if I can't spot it, someone else possibly can't either)
MasterDuke Nicholas: i think it's here github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/new-...am.c#L2633 but don't take my word for it 07:52
timo++ 07:53
before: definitely lost: 355,776 bytes in 6,286 blocks and indirectly lost: 1,267,760 bytes in 19,160 blocks
after: definitely lost: 26,832 bytes in 412 blocks and indirectly lost: 84,112 bytes in 1,256 blocks 07:54
invalid frees are still there
Geth MoarVM: bb14f42376 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/gc/finalize.c
Fix finalizers of gen2 objects rarely getting run

After garbage collection we go through the list of objects with finalizers (the finalize list) and move objects that were collected to the list of finalizers to run. We rewrite the finalize list as we walk through it, in order to only keep live objects. However during a nursery-only collection we only considered nursery objects. Objects that were already in gen2 were not moved to the collapsed finalize list. Thus we never ran those object's finalizers.
Fix by indiscriminately moving objects we don't have a closer look at to the collapsed list.
Geth MoarVM/fixkey-zero-static: 104d32c16c | (Nicholas Clark)++ | 5 files
Change `permroot_descriptions` and related functions to `const char *`.
MoarVM/fixkey-zero-static: 3283717532 | (Nicholas Clark)++ | 3 files
`entry_size == 0` enables static storage in MVMFixKeyHashTable.

The hashtable internally stores just pointers, which indirect to the stored structure, so that the stored structure remains at a fixed address in memory.
The default was always to allocate storage with the Fixed Size Allocator. ... (5 more lines)
MoarVM/fixkey-zero-static: 277e3928c9 | (Nicholas Clark)++ | 4 files
Convert the system calls hash to MVMFixKeyHashTable.

MVMFixKeyHashTable can now handle indirecting to static storage. Hence add
  `MVMString *name` to the start of `struct MVMDispSysCall` and store this in
an MVMFixKeyHashTable, instead of having a `struct MVMDispSysCallHashEntr` which indirected to it, and was stored in an MVMStrHashTable.
As the key is now *in* the struct with a fixed storage address, use
  `MVM_gc_root_add_permanent_desc` to mark it for GC. Hence we no longer need
to iterate over the hash on each GC run adding the keys to the worklist.
Geth MoarVM: nwc10++ created pull request #1531:
Convert the systems calls hash to MVMFixKeyHashTable
jnthnwrthngtn Nicholas: The one MasterDuke pointed to is indeed the correct one 10:17
timo i see some good commits 10:20
nine If anyone else is wondering what computed gotos actually are and why they are faster than switch statements despite all the magic compilers can do, this is an excellent read: eli.thegreenplace.net/2012/07/12/c...tch-tables 10:27
timo ah yes, having a separate entry in the branch prediction table for every instruction in the interpreter can be a big win 10:33
and jitting can be an even bigger win here :p 10:34
jnthnwrthngtn It can, though I'm not sure if it's worth JITting dispatch programs "alone"; need to see if there is significant time spent in them post-spesh 10:44
jnthnwrthngtn Sigh, the anaesthetic from this morning's dentist trip seems to have numbed my brain too... 10:47
Or maybe that's just because I didn't have any coffee today
nine The coffee situation sounds fixable, so I guess it's worth a try :) 10:53
jnthnwrthngtn Nicholas: I think the hash PR for syscalls is alright, though I left a note about a potential downside 10:57
(That wasn't one that you mentioned)
Though I'm still inclined to think the upsides are better
The other mildly "amusing" thing that happened this morning is that I figured I'd sit on the terrace for a bit to try and relax before going to the dentist (I get really anxious about such things). Except there was some construction work happening across the street, so all I heard the whole time was drilling. 11:01
nine Well, compared to those drills... 11:02
timo at least theer wasnt a jackhammer going 11:03
jnthnwrthngtn Uff, yes.
There's like 3 buildings near mine all undergoing reconstruction at the moment (2 new roofs, 1 is gaining an extra floor and thus a new roof also). 11:04
timo sometimes teeth get new roofs as well 11:05
jnthnwrthngtn Sigh, just about everything that needs doing with new-disp right now requires thinking hard. :) 11:07
1) spesh of dispatch programs that set resumption init state, 2) Figure out istype's future (it'll stay, but what's behind it wants to change), 3) the remaining spectest fails, but aside from the code-gen problem that causes the hang, none of it looks like easy debugging. 11:08
nine So, attack that code-gen bug? 11:09
jnthnwrthngtn I was sorta hoping somebody else might pick that relative LHF-ish :)
timo difficult to figure out how to free the dispatch programs properly? might need to put them in the fsa as well so the safepoint mechanism can be used for their bodies and ops
nine It is a bit bothersome anyway. I removed that test file locally, to get rid of the hangs in spectest
jnthnwrthngtn: oh, in that case, what do you know about the bug?
jnthnwrthngtn nine: The QAST compiler seems to fail to spit out a coercion op 11:10
nine: So we read an uninitialized register
If you dump the bytecode of the thing that hangs, the location of the missing instruction is obvious enough. 11:11
lunch, bbiab 11:12
nine jnthnwrthngtn: ha! If I had known that the missing instruction is _that_ obvious 11:36
Geth MoarVM/new-disp: 104d32c16c | (Nicholas Clark)++ | 5 files
Change `permroot_descriptions` and related functions to `const char *`.
MoarVM/new-disp: 3283717532 | (Nicholas Clark)++ | 3 files
`entry_size == 0` enables static storage in MVMFixKeyHashTable.

The hashtable internally stores just pointers, which indirect to the stored structure, so that the stored structure remains at a fixed address in memory.
The default was always to allocate storage with the Fixed Size Allocator. ... (5 more lines)
MoarVM/new-disp: 277e3928c9 | (Nicholas Clark)++ | 4 files
Convert the system calls hash to MVMFixKeyHashTable.

MVMFixKeyHashTable can now handle indirecting to static storage. Hence add
  `MVMString *name` to the start of `struct MVMDispSysCall` and store this in
an MVMFixKeyHashTable, instead of having a `struct MVMDispSysCallHashEntr` which indirected to it, and was stored in an MVMStrHashTable.
As the key is now *in* the struct with a fixed storage address, use
  `MVM_gc_root_add_permanent_desc` to mark it for GC. Hence we no longer need
to iterate over the hash on each GC run adding the keys to the worklist.
nine Wow....can it really be that all this time we missed an MVMROOT of the result register during nativecall callbacks? 11:53
lizmat would not be surprised ? 12:06
nine Of course, when I try to provoke it so I can test my fix with confidence, nothing explodes 12:09
lizmat sneaky 12:13
nine Ok, I can in the full blown apllication. Just not in any reduced test case 12:15
jnthnwrthngtn back 12:32
With coffee, now I can feel my mouth again :) 12:33
nine: I've no idea how obvious it would be to fix said missing instruction... :) 12:34
nine I think is_full_collection still needs some more tuning. As it is, any long running process with varying objects in the working set that live long enough to make it into gen2 will grow without bounds even if the working set does have a limited size. 12:46
That's why ironically, sprinkling nqp::force_gc into your loops can make memory consumption worse rather than better. 12:47
jnthnwrthngtn What do you mean by "varying objects"? 12:48
nine What happens is: we have a steady flow of objects that make it into gen2 and could die a while later. On every GC run we look at promoted size. If it exceeds 20M we look at the process' RSS. If that has grown by more than 20 % since the last full collection, we trigger another one.
Next time around our baseline RSS to compare with is larger by ~ 20 %. So we wait longer till we trigger a full collection. Next time 20 % more again, and so on. 12:49
What I mean is if (part of) the objects your application allocates usually live long enough to make it into gen2, but could be collected at some point. 12:50
We're fine if all objects are very short lived and those which make it into gen2 live for the whole life time of the process anyway. Objects with medium life times will lead to unbounded process growth. 12:51
And there's an even worse case: RSS only counts physical memory. It doesn't include swap. So precisely in those situations where you've already gobbled up all available RAM and are swapping, we don't see any RSS growth at all and will never trigger a full collection anymore. 12:52
lizmat that would explain the memory growth I'm seeing on the irc logs server
lots of big objects that possibly didn't make it to the nursery to begin with 12:53
that are potentially short lived
nine Yesterday's trivial example I used to find the finalizer issue demonstrated it quite well. It quickly grew to multiple gigabytes until I added a nursery-runs counter to the GC and had it do a full collection after at most 100 nursery collections. 12:59
jnthnwrthngtn nine: Yeah, sounds like it could do with a different approach to avoid that kind of effect. It *is* a good strategy for programs that build up an increasingly large data structure as they work (compilation is such an example)
lizmat reminds me of a "use less 'memory'" pragma :-) 13:00
afk for a few hours&
jnthnwrthngtn Wonder if we can cheaply factor it how much the GC collected
(in a full collection 13:01
And use the discrepancy between promoted and collected to decide on whether to increase the ceiling
nine Yes, I figured we could use something along those lines. But after the 13 hour session yesterday and today's continued bug hunting, I'm not smart enough anymore to put those thoughts into an algorithm 13:03
But then it has an incredibly productive week so far :) With the finalizer fix, the callback GC issue fix and github.com/niner/Inline-Perl5/comm...251d9f0d6d our application has become stable and memory usage is fine 13:05
That Inline::Perl5 issue was unexpected reentrancy caused by finalizers and has plagued us for 2 years as it defied every attempt to reproduce. Until yesterday, when I worked on the memory leak. 13:06
Geth MoarVM: 7a385a3506 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 2 files
Fix possible access to fromspace in NativeCall callbacks

An untimely garbage collection between setting the result object in the callback and unmarshalling of that result object could lead to an outdated pointer in res.o and further to segfaults and other nastiness. Fix by adding res.o to the roots. Callbacks always return objects, so no no special handling of primitive types necessary.
jnthnwrthngtn nine++ # wish I could say the same for my week... 13:23
dogbert11 jnthnwrthngtn: given that there's still work to be done on new-disp is it reasonable that this tiny program, gist.github.com/dogbert17/9cb16b7a...ab72b274de takes three times as long to run on new-disp than on master= 13:24
jnthnwrthngtn Yes 13:25
Inlining is very very very very very important. :) 13:26
dogbert11 thanks :)
what could this be - lang-call cannot invoke object of type 'VMNull' belonging to no language 13:41
jnthnwrthngtn Something tried to invoke a null object. A golf of that could be interesting. 13:44
dogbert11 so far it only appears with a small (64k) nursery when running /spec/S32-exceptions/misc.t 13:45
jnthnwrthngtn Goodness, the profiler producing the SQL is slow 13:46
Geth MoarVM/new-disp: 074a3c43e8 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | 8 files
Prepare for translating dispatch resume inits

These are cases where a dispatch wishes to keep state around in case there is a resumption later - that is, every Rakudo method and multi dispatch. The aim is to minimize runtime cost in the case that a resumption never happens, which is the overwhelmingly common case.
... (15 more lines)
dogbert11 here's another golf, for me it fails with a compilation error 16:33
MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 ./rakudo-m -e 'my $foo is default(Nil) = 42; for 41,42,43 -> $a, $b, $c { my $foo is default(Nil) = 42; }' 16:34
hopefully someone can repro
jnthnwrthngtn yes, can repro it 16:43
Is this relatively new, or around for a while? 16:44
The specialized frame breaking it is src/core.c/Variable.pm6:53 16:46
Which fits the error
dogbert11 jnthnwrthngtn: atm I don't know how new it is, I can try to find out though. 16:50
I have seen several errors like this for a few days but this is the first golf 16:51
it *might* have something to do with nine's lang-hllize dispatch work but that is only a guess 16:53
jnthnwrthngtn "Malformed UTF-8 near bytes 20 4c 8b at line 1 col 53" 17:00
But yeah, that's the thing nine++ was hunting
heh 17:02
P6opaque: no such attribute '$!descriptor' on type L\213V\030I\017\277B...
Geth MoarVM/new-disp: 7566af62b2 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c
Fix mis-optimization of reads from Scalars

Just having the type facts is not enough, we also need to know that it is concrete.
Surprisingly this hasn't come up before now, but did so when hllize became a dispatcher. It inserts a guard on the type only (but not on ... (6 more lines)
jnthnwrthngtn nine: I think ^^ is a fix for the hllize thing you were hunting. In the end not actually a deopt bug; we did a deopt because we'd read "junk", and then the same junk thing was used to in getattribute afterwards. 17:41
home time & 17:52
MasterDuke47 is --full-cleanup still supposed to work when we exit because of a compilation error? 19:58
`valgrind --leak-check=full raku --full-cleanup -e 'my $a = \c[LATIN]'` has a ton of leaks 19:59
jnthnwrthngtn Today's discovery: if you profile CORE.setting build on new-disp you do get SQL output fine...you can read it and run the statements against a SQLite database to import it...BUT 20:06
One of the lines is 160MB line!
And Java uses UTF-16 internally so that's a 320MB String that you pretty much can't avoid forming.
jnthnwrthngtn wonders if we might be able to spread that rather long line over a few :) 20:07
MasterDuke47: If it calls nqp::exit it's worth checking if that actually triggers a full cleanup or not 20:08
MasterDuke47 k, i'll see if i can track that down 20:10
.tell Nicholas here's a valgrind log of compiling CORE.e with --full-cleanup and it has a bunch of hash-related leaks gist.github.com/MasterDuke17/3afad...b1ec9fbb4d 20:13
tellable6 MasterDuke47, I'll pass your message to Nicholas
dogbert11 if anyone is interested in a SEGV just run: MVM_SPESH_NODELAY=1 MVM_SPESH_BLOCKING=1 ./rakudo-m -Ilib t/spec/S32-io/io-spec-win.t 20:17
MasterDuke47 jnthnwrthngtn: btw, the creation of very large profiles was mildly optimized, but kind of just to the point that it was actually able to do so in most cases instead of dying or producing something that couldn't be used
so i'm sure there are more optimizations to be found 20:19
dogbert11: on new-disp? 20:20
jnthnwrthngtn Yeah, it takes longer to output the profile than it did to record it :)
dogbert11 MasterDuke47: yes
jnthnwrthngtn dogbert11: Did you confirm the fix I pushed earlier, btw? 20:21
dogbert11 jnthnwrthngtn: yes indeed, it worked perfectly
Thread 2 "spesh optimizer" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7ffff6ef8700 (LWP 799641)] 20:22
annotate_inline_start_end (inlinee_last_bb=0x7ffff3f9e1c0, inlinee_last_bb=0x7ffff3f9e1c0, inline_boundary_handler=<optimized out>, idx=4, inlinee=0x7ffff3623fa0, inliner=0x4, tc=0x5555555f1670)
at src/spesh/inline.c:1301
1301 end_ann->next = end_ann_target->annotations;
end_ann_target is NULL 20:23
MasterDuke47 `valgrind --leak-check=full ./install/bin/raku --full-cleanup -e 'use nqp; nqp::exit'` does indeed report a ton of leaks. should nqp::exit respect --full-cleanup?
i think i would expect it to 20:24
ah, nqp::exit is pretty simple. it's just `MVMint64 exit_code = GET_REG(cur_op, 0).i64; MVM_io_flush_standard_handles(tc); exit(exit_code);` 20:27
should it instead call MVM_vm_exit or MVM_vm_destroy_instance? 20:28
jnthnwrthngtn MasterDuke47: Yes, but only if --full-cleanup is set, I think 20:30
Probably MVM_vm_exit 20:31
Maybe that already checks the full cleanup flag
MasterDuke47 it doesn't
jnthnwrthngtn (Normally we don't want to try and clean up, the OS can do it so much faster.)
(So it is only useful if doing leak checking)
MasterDuke47 MVM_vm_exit and MVM_vm_destroy_instance are only ever called from main.c which is where the --full-cleanup flag is checked for 20:32
should nqp::exit instead just exit the interpreter, and then let normal exiting happen (i.e., MVM_vm_exit or MVM_vm_destroy_instance)? 20:36
dogbert11 as far as the SEGV is concerned, it's older than github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/commit/4d...eca0f3d836 20:40
jnthnwrthngtn MasterDuke47: I think it should do as it does today when it's not full cleanup, and if there is full cleanup call MVM_vm_destroy_instance(instance); before exit 20:43
MasterDuke47 aiui nothing outside of main.c knows whether --full-cleanup was used, so we'd have to put that information somewhere that interp.c can know about it 20:45
jnthnwrthngtn Yes 20:48
Flag on MVMInstance probably
MasterDuke47 k
Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1532:
Respect --full-cleanup in nqp::exit