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Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Nicholas good *, * 06:24
lizmat Nicholas o/ 09:40
lizmat well, so much for automatic recovery of IRC server connectivity :-( 09:56
nine Coding issue or just another failure mode that's not yet covered? 10:05
lizmat good question 10:25
the only thing I can think of, is that it hung in the socket.close
lizmat adds back some verbosity in the code 10:26
I wonder how this applies to people coming from other languages than English: twitter.com/Quux_NL/status/1469026...30/photo/1 10:27
jnthnwrthngtn I can vouch for the "What the British mean" column :P 10:37
lizmat now I know why "booster" is spelled "borcestershire" in english :-) 10:42
Nicholas I knew how to pronnounce the place name Loughborough, but until I read something else on Wikipedia, I didn't realise that pronnunciation of the two "ough"s is different. In the same word. 10:47
timo "laugh, brah"? 10:48
lizmat maybe "slow" vs "slough" ?
timo that's not like "slouch", is it? 10:50
lizmat nope 10:56
[Coke] sounds like sluff, if I recall correctly 12:10
(english is the worst) 12:11
(language confusion) - "I am sorry about the confusion here" | "I'm sorry you were confused" | "I'm sorry I was confused" 12:14
I must be 1/4 british on my mom's side. 12:15
lizmat :-) 12:16
lizmat MoarVM panic: non-AsyncTask fetched from eventloop active work list # wow 13:51
timo wow how did that get in there 14:56
also, why doesn't it tell us what went in there
lizmat it was a thinko on my part, but still... 14:57
lizmat ok, Geth and the loggers should now really be more resilient to outages 15:41
timo: I think it was feeding a Channel from multiple threads unbounded
timo but Channel is threadsafe tho? 15:42
lizmat I'd say so ? 15:45
timo was that unrelated to the panic? 15:46
lizmat the same code snafu also created segfaults and improper number of arg errors on calls
so it was definitely messing up things badly
timo oof 15:50
jnthnwrthngtn "non-AsyncTask fetched from eventloop active work list" whiffs of memory corruption or GC mess-up 16:15
lizmat yeah 16:56
I'll try to make a golf later today