Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Geth MoarVM/remove_callsite_flat_named_flag: 2db24c675a | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 3 files

If both the FLAT and NAMED flags are set, this means exactly the same as the FLAT_NAMED flag, so we treat them the same. Later on we can free up the FLAT_NAMED flag. Doing this in two steps to avoid bootstrapping issues.
MoarVM/remove_callsite_flat_named_flag: a5aa688583 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 6 files

The flag is superseeded by the combination of MVM_CALLSITE_ARG_FLAT and MVM_CALLSITE_ARG_NAMED. Freeing it up, so we have a flag available for unsigned integers.
MoarVM: niner++ created pull request #1629:
Remove callsite flat named flag
Geth MoarVM/fix_unsigned: 33 commits pushed by (Stefan Seifert)++
review: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/compare/1...1b55d4bdb0
nine I wonder if it's worth investing considerable time to try to get away with as few rebootstraps as possible with this whole thing? 10:46
lizmat wishes the #moarvm people a enjoyful 2022! 11:29
nine I guess the next step should be to get those new ops merged so they can be part of the first rebootstrap 12:21
But for now: new year's cycling :) 12:22
lizmat nine++ 12:23
lizmat will do so as well soonish
the next 10K don't come by themselves :-)
nine I know what's going on in #1628. When materializing as part of deopt, we are putting objects into an array of which the GC doesn't know anything about. That's how those pointers get outdated. I have a fix which I'm testing now (will take a while) but I don't particularily like it. 17:54
dogbert11 nine++, impressive detective work 18:13
MasterDuke nine: don't you run camelia now? looks like it's stuck on a commit from november 19:56
nine MasterDuke: ah, yes, I'll have a look
MasterDuke ++nine 19:57
nine m: say $*RAKU.compiler.version 20:05
camelia v2021.12.27.gd.80.fb.897.e
MasterDuke timo: ping. the object i'm getting back from `MVM_profile_end` in my syscall has nothing in it. how could that be? 21:11