Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
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Nicholas good *, #moarvm 07:25
nine Fast morning, MoarVM! 07:51
Nicholas Today the temperature is above 0 - is it time for sunbathing? 07:52
08:39 MasterDuke joined
lizmat moarning! 09:44
"inliner has too many locals" what does that even mean ?
Voldenet github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/962e...nline.h#L4 09:48
lizmat hmmm.. I saw this on: 09:54
infix:<-> BB(3582, 198 bytes) -> BB(3):
inliner has too many locals
so I guess that basically means the place it would get inlined into, already had too many things inlined
jnthnwrthngtn That or it somehow started out with a huge number of registers used 10:17
MasterDuke Nicholas: is there a reason the str_hash uses *_free_at_safepoint() in `hash_demolish_internal()` and `maybe_grow_hash()`, but the other hashes don't? 11:14
also, `maybe_grow_hash()` uses `*_free_at_safepoint()` for `control_orig`, but just a regular `free()` for `control` in `hash_demolish_internal()`, is that correct/intentional? 11:16
Nicholas first question - yes, reason is that str_hash is exposed to user threading code so stale pointers can exist (until next GC safe point) if thread A mutates hash and thread B was midway through reading it. Hence the MVM_cas() (ish) in a few places to try to detect that. That needed the *_free_at_safepoint() so that the "old" memory block is still valid to be read by the MVM_cas 11:19
second question - not sure without looking (need to go AFK) but answer might be that the memory "just" being freed had never been exposed outside of the C functions - ie was the code path for the "we had to grow twice?" 11:20
AFK to buy stuff for lunch
MasterDuke hm, the regular free is in the block for this `if (control->cur_items == 0 && control->max_items == 0) {`, so yeah, maybe it's the case that it had never really been used 11:23
the reason i'm asking is because i just caught a segfault in my remove_fsa branch and it's dying in `MVMHash_gc_mark()` while iterating through a str_hash 11:24
this is what the diff against master looks like now gist.github.com/MasterDuke17/12527...54a640f952 11:46
nqp is fine, rakudo builds, but there are some relatively consistent spectest fails
12:06 reportable6 left
MasterDuke rebuild with --optimize=0, now got a `mimalloc: assertion failed: at "3rdparty/mimalloc/include/mimalloc-internal.h":481, mi_page_block_size 12:08
Ā  assertion: "bsize > 0"`
caught it in rr, maybe now can figure out what's going on 12:11
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MasterDuke hm, just to be sure i rebuilt with --no-mimalloc and i still get double frees and such. looks like one is happening where i changed MVM_fixed_size_free_at_safepoint to MVM_free_at_safepoint 14:03
i'm a little surprised, because this all was a bit of a mechanical change 14:06
nine MasterDuke: could the FSA be more lenient against double frees? 14:22
MasterDuke maybe if they were small enough to just be in a bin? 14:23
hm, but running with fsa_debug which does everything via regular malloc should have tripped up, right?
nine At least with valgrind or asan 14:25
Nicholas yes, and it doesn't 14:26
MasterDuke you mean you've run stuff with FSA_DEBUG and asan/valgrind and no problems?
Nicholas yes, FSA_DEBUG and ASAN is what I'm usually building with. At least on x86_64 14:27
(and even ppc64 seemed OK with ASAN)
nine MVM_free_at_safepoint is not thread safe 14:29
MasterDuke oh. well then 14:30
ah, i see the fsa has those `do { ... } while (!MVM_trycas(...))` 14:36
is that going to be easy to bolt into MVM_free_at_safepoint? 14:37
or use a mutex instead? 14:38
14:39 Techcable left
nine A mutex would reduce efficiency. Couldn't you just slavage the FSA's code from add_to_overflows_safepoint_free_list? 14:45
MasterDuke well, i have gotten rid of that list 14:48
but maybe it's better to switch to using that in general 14:50
github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...odel.c#L83 is the only place MVM_free_at_safepoint() is used on master 14:51
so maybe i should just convert the regular safepoint list from a vector to a linked list and then yeah, i can copy the code from the fsa 14:53
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MasterDuke i don't remember how to do the bootstrapping dance when i'm changing the MVMInstance or MVMThreadContext structs. istr it's not exactly the same as just adding/removing ops 16:04
Geth MoarVM: nwc10++ created pull request #1643:
Allocations for blocks of MVM registers needs to be 8 byte aligned
Nicholas need moar CPU architectures to provoke breakage... 16:18
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nine MasterDuke: should only require a make clean in rakudo before building 16:21
MasterDuke huh, thought i ran into some weird problem when building nqp, let's see what happens... 16:24
nine Nicholas: just curious. Do you think a compiler like gcc is smart enough to optimize size_t frame_size_aligned = to_8_bytes(sizeof(MVMCallStackHeapFrame)); to a compile time constant? 16:26
MasterDuke gist.github.com/MasterDuke17/cc3a0...1eeeb7a2ab has the diff of my current change against my remove_fsa branch. rakudo built, but still a double free in a spectest 16:36
afk for a while, will check back this evening 16:37
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Geth MoarVM: 1850f91a40 | (Nicholas Clark)++ | src/core/callstack.c
Allocations for blocks of MVM registers needs to be 8 byte aligned

Various MVM_callstack_allocate_* functions allocate a single block of memory, where the last section is used as an array of MVMRegister structs. This section needs to be 8 byte aligned, as on some platforms the (real) CPU's 64 bit loads from it need to be 8 byte aligned.
... (8 more lines)
Nicholas nine: I'm looking at: 19:06
size_t frame_size_aligned = to_8_bytes(sizeof(MVMCallStackHeapFrame));
tc->stack_top = allocate_record(tc, MVM_CALLSTACK_RECORD_HEAP_FRAME,
frame_size_aligned + work_size);
it compiled to this: 19:07
addr2, r5, #12@, work_size,
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Nicholas ie contant folded to 12. 19:07
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nine Nice...so no need to dig into __attribute__ (const) or the like in this case 20:20
Btw. thanks for enlightening me about the intricacies of sparc
Geth MoarVM/spesh_unbox_i_cpointer: 962916b6a3 | (Timo Paulssen)++ (committed by Stefan Seifert) | src/6model/reprs/CPointer.c
Optimize passing CPointer to nativecall ever so slightly

We emit an unbox_i operation in a compiled nativecall body in order to get the pointer value to pass to the native function. Without a spesh method on the CPointer repr, this would interpret as, and jit into, a call to CPointer's get_int.
Instead of a call, we just emit a spesh op to do the memory offset and read for us, which the JIT also likes very much.
nine Rebased and pushed to trigger another CI run. The previous one errored out but the build is no longer available 20:25
MasterDuke hm. my code is pretty much just straight copied from the fsa implementation, so i'm not sure what wrong 20:50
however, i am just now wondering what's preventing the same pointer from being added to the free list multiple times? 20:51
nine Well....err....who would do that? 21:07
[Coke] doctor it hurts when I OW 21:09
MasterDuke so if i print to_free in MVM_free_at_safepoint i shouldn't see duplicate addresses? 21:13
nine Yes, I dare say, duplicate entries are bugs
MasterDuke heh. 56262 entries in a log, only 47941 unique 21:14
that running t/spec/S17-promise/nonblocking-await.t with a print in MVM_free_at_safepoint directed to a file
Nicholas memory can get re-used - are you printing an address that has been freed once, allocated, and freed again? 21:15
nine Oh. But the same address could be allocated multiple times
Nicholas snap!
(usually, I'm saying "snap!" when playing Uno as a sort-of joke about playing the same card) 21:16
nine If you are worried about entries getting added multiple times, I'd add a debug check to MVM_free_at_safepoint
MasterDuke true. i find it slightly suspicious that it's aborting with double frees though
nine Yeah, there's definitely something wrong
The FSA's large size handling would get broken by that as well. I'm not sure about the bins though. They may have coped with having the same address multiple times in the free list. Or just lead to different error modes that are better at hiding. 21:17
Definitely worth tracking down
Nicholas nine: I got burned by sparc about a decade ago, due to the compiler deciding that two U32 members could be loaded as a single 64 bit load. Which failed. Because perl 5.10.x had struct PVIV defined in a way that made it 8 byte aligned, but what was allocated was only 4 byte aligned, because the 8 byte aligned member didn't really exist and wasn't allocated or accessed. 21:18
nine Oh the horrors 21:19
Nicholas D'oh the horrors
jnthnwrthngtn Horrors d'oeuvres 21:20
MasterDuke m: my $a; $a = $_**2 for ^1_000_000; say now - INIT now; say $a; 21:29
camelia 0.415281379
MasterDuke m: my $a; $a = $_*$_ for ^1_000_000; say now - INIT now; say $a;
camelia 0.1952467
MasterDuke completely random change of topic, but should the optimizer turn the first into the second? 21:30
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