Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Nicholas *, * good 09:30
MasterDuke anyone here have any experience with mingw? i'm not making much progress 16:02
nine Sorry. I've avoided Windows whenever possible 16:31
MasterDuke heh. same 16:42
lizmat Windows? not seen that in the past 20 years :-)
ok, 19 then :-) 16:43
MasterDuke my current not-so-serious plan is just to add a commit to the gmp PR that removes mingw from CI... 16:44
then it'll be green across the board
a slightly more serious one is to instead have the mingw job install a gmp package and build with --has-gmp 16:46
nine Sounds like a solution then 17:06
MasterDuke it's sort of cheating, it's being built in all the other environments
japhb It's not cheating, it's *technique* 20:25
MasterDuke changing topics, do i remember correctly that during the fosdem rsc q&a there was some mention of a possible rakudo devs conference? 20:44
`Can't compile simple gcc probe, so something is badly wrong at build/probe.pm line 208.` huh? 20:53
nine MasterDuke: there was 21:30
MasterDuke but no details? 22:12
nine I think currently it's just an idea 22:31
MasterDuke ah
this is weird. moarvm builds fine under my local mingw with `--has-gmp`, so why doesn't it in CI? that error means the probe can't find it (though it would be nice if the error mentioned the name of the thing it was trying) 22:42
even my cheating doesn't work 23:07