Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Nicholas good *, * 06:07
nine And a particularly good * it is 06:08
MasterDuke isn't tomorrow the particularly good day? 08:10
jnthnwrthngtn o/ 09:30
Nicholas \o 09:37
nine Well I took a few hours off this morning to finish my introductionary flights on the en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerospool_WT9_Dynamic 10:36
jnthnwrthngtn If the weather is as nice there as it is here, I guess it was a nice day to be flying :) 10:38
In less exciting news, 1 more fully passing spectest brings us to 382 of them.
MasterDuke nine: have you flown (in) any electric aircraft? 10:46
nine MasterDuke: not yet, but my new glider club has two Silent 2 Electro and I'm looking forward to flying them :) 10:58
MasterDuke nice. i know very little about flying, but i was curious if they have different performance/operating characteristics like an electric car does (e.g., all the torque available right away so generally better acceleration, no engine noise) 11:00
MasterDuke i just realized i don't know what happens to the things MVMROOTed if an exception is thrown. do exceptions pop them somehow? or it just doesn't matter? 11:13
jnthnwrthngtn Yes, they're popped 11:17
MasterDuke cool 11:18
jnthnwrthngtn grep for MVM_gc_root_temp_pop_all 11:20
MasterDuke ah, in MVM_exception_throw_adhoc_free_va 11:21
jnthnwrthngtn Turns out nine++'s fix for the proxy reader factory in RakuAST was the right idea but a bit off. Fixing it up fully gets us to 392 fully passing
MasterDuke i'm just running vrurgs libxml segfault golf in rr, and i see where body->cstruct gets set to 0x100000000 11:31
it's here github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/blob/mast...uct.c#L519 11:32
because cobj is `(void *) 0x100000000` 11:33
MasterDuke but this looks like the sort of thing nine++ fixes very quickly, and nothing obvious is jumping out at me, so i'll probably leave off here 11:43
nine MasterDuke: biggest advantage of electric engines is their reliability. I fly gliders which may have engines for starting or getting home even when thermals won't carry you anymore. The planes' manuals often tell you straight out that those engines are made to be light and cheap and that you may not rely on them. 16:07
Electric engines really just don't break. They are easier to use as well (often just a single dial to twist) which makes it safer as the pilot can't forget a crucial step like opening the fuel valve. 16:08
And last but not least they turn on instantly. Those 2 stroke engines in e.g. logfnet.alfahosting.org/joomla/imag...scus_4.jpg often don't have starters, so you have to use wind milling to turn them on which costs you about 150m of altitude 16:10
MasterDuke interesting. i haven't even driven an electric car yet, but am considering one when i need to get a car in a couple months 18:22
drakonis jnthnwrthngtn: github.com/edumentab/rakudo-and-nq...als-course how accurate is this? 18:55
and how much of it would rakuast render invalid?