Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
timo would have been no problem if btrfs send had worked :) 00:18
adding the new device to the btrfs volume, then removing the old device has been advised against for some reason
i'm running restorecon now, but setroubleshootd is flipping its absolute shit 00:19
i have been wanting to get rid of setroubleshootd for a longlong time 00:24
nine timo: I have always migrated to new (local) storage by adding the new device and removing the old. Worked flawlessly every time. 07:29
nine We are now at 500 passing spec test files on RakuAST :) 16:19
And the latest batch of commits fixed those annoying infinite loops in spec tests 16:20
358 without doing a non-RakuAST spectest run first! 17:01
So the difference went down from 180 to 142. 17:02
nine and 503 17:18
japhb Go nine, go nine! 19:44
timo super cool 21:06
vrurg Any potential difference in how well code would be inlined via `boot-code-constant` and `raku-meth-call` dispatchers? Considering that actual code bodies are gonna be basically the same up to use of arguments vs. attributes. 22:09