Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
reol Hi. I think the IO::Socket implementation could need some attention. 00:22
IO::Socket.native-descriptor segfaults on uv_fileno after MVM_io_fileno.
here is how to reproduce: my $sock = await IO::Socket::Async.connect('::1', 32123); $sock.close; $sock.native-descriptor; 00:23
japhb After closing, the native descriptor doesn't make sense. 01:08
reol close sets it nqp::null. Either MVM shouldn't segfault on that or nqp::filenofh() needs to be guarded from null arguments. 01:20
reol the bug doesn't manifest with valgrind attached btw. 01:25
Nicholas good UGT, #moarvm 06:06
timo greet you Nicholas 07:15
timo niiiii~co-chan 10:01
reol is there a mailing list for moarvm related issues and bug reports? 13:43
jnthn No. Issues get reported on the repository's GitHub issue tracker 13:48
tellable6 2022-08-22T02:28:32Z #moarvm <vrurg_> jnthn I suspect a race in the dispatcher. Can you confirm? github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/5039
timo sup jnthn :) 13:49
reol I no longer use github. An alternative would be handy
jnthn Hi timo, how's things? 13:50
jnthn is super busy with $dayjob but otherwise fine :) 13:52
reol maybe I just drop my notes here so you can take a look and file a bug report at github as needed. 13:53
timo busy with work, had a little kitty health scare last month, but the doc did a good job 13:57
jnthn Phew. A happy and healthy cat is an important thing. 13:59
vrurg A cat: "Sure thing... Oops... Meow!" ;) 14:04
timo jnthn: i hear you had a little vacay, that's nice :) 14:09
did you get to enjoy it much?
new slide backgrounds produced? :D 14:10