Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
[Coke] Someone asking how to cross compile in #raku, wondering if nwc10 knows. 00:36
Geth MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1723:
Add chown op
nine Cross compile what? 10:54
[Coke] rakudo 15:01
Nicholas I might vanish AFK without much warning, but I think I'm correct in saying 15:02
1) rakudo doesn't cross compile
2) you can/could cross compile NQP from one VM backend to another (so how JVM and MoarVM got started)
3) the C code of MoarVM might be cross-compilable, but I don't think that that works currently (or ever)
and that's about all. So your statement "Rakudo" which I think was an aswner to "Cross compile what?" doesn't make sense. (I believe) 15:03
The right question/answer pair is one of the lower level things
[Coke] Thanks 15:04
lizmat [Coke]: also for reference: once you have a MoarVM bytecode file, you can run that with any MoarVM executable (well, of the same API version) is my understanding 18:56
nine correct 21:13
Geth MoarVM: Kaiepi++ created pull request #1724:
Fix nqp::objprimunsigned handling of unsigned or sized integers