Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
00:00 reportable6 left 00:02 reportable6 joined 01:58 coleman left, coleman joined 03:54 MasterDuke left 06:00 reportable6 left 06:02 reportable6 joined 07:50 sena_kun joined 09:20 kueppo joined 09:25 kueppo left 09:28 kueppo joined 09:35 kueppo left 10:51 kueppo joined 10:59 kueppo left 12:00 reportable6 left 12:01 reportable6 joined 18:00 reportable6 left 18:01 reportable6 joined 19:31 kueppo joined 20:31 linkable6 left, evalable6 left 20:32 evalable6 joined 20:33 linkable6 joined 20:43 sena_kun left 20:48 kueppo left 21:53 linkable6 left, statisfiable6 left, evalable6 left, reportable6 left, benchable6 left, nativecallable6 left, notable6 left, quotable6 left, sourceable6 left, releasable6 left, bloatable6 left, greppable6 left, committable6 left, tellable6 left, unicodable6 left, squashable6 left, shareable6 left, bisectable6 left, coverable6 left, bisectable6 joined, statisfiable6 joined, bloatable6 joined 21:54 shareable6 joined, sourceable6 joined, evalable6 joined, benchable6 joined, committable6 joined, tellable6 joined 21:55 nativecallable6 joined, coverable6 joined, reportable6 joined, quotable6 joined, greppable6 joined, notable6 joined, linkable6 joined, releasable6 joined 21:56 squashable6 joined, unicodable6 joined 23:18 squashable6 left 23:19 squashable6 joined