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Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Woodi hi 08:10
"Lexotic and dynamic control flow is implemented 08:11
...by a system of control exceptions"
so looks like syntax thing. but control exceptions are implemented as unwinding so on implementation level looks the same thing like exceptions - eg. bad user data. but is it true ? 08:14
I wonder what exceptions are... unwinding throws things away so like in surgery parts are cut off. so do exceptions collected "on the way" have material they want to work with ? 08:16
phasers generating new exceptions... too complicated... maybe some simple "first exception wins" can save some debugging ? 08:18
but as usual, no idea how things are implemented ;) 08:19
nine Keep in mind that even warn throws a control exception 08:36
patrickb Woodi: This looks like a reply to my mispaste above. See here for where that text actually ended up: github.com/Raku/problem-solving/is...2150925401 08:59
woodi: Control exceptions are exceptions implementation wise. Not all exceptions initially unwind the stack. The "invokish" exceptions run a piece of code in the context of the thrower. The unwind happens afterwards (unless the code called `resume`). 09:03
The opposite is a go-to exception. That just directly unwinds the stack and makes the interpreter continue at the specified point in the code (e.g. &return). 09:04
lizmat or next or last 09:54
or redo
Woodi patrickb: re: Control exceptions are exceptions implementation wise - that was point. but question was: do control exceptions are really exceptions ? maybe it's just implementation detail that can be implemented in other way ? becouse lexotics are control flow modifiers so looks like another category then exceptions... 13:23
and rules like: "catch conflict controls, ..." looks strange and artificial... maybe becouse that are two different things ? 13:25
patrickb: just ignore me if talking stupid things :) 13:27
"control flow modifiers are different things then exceptions" - I know that exceptions are control flow elements too :) but different then others 13:30
patrickb Woodi: github.com/Raku/old-design-docs/bl...ontrol.pod might be a good read. You ask design questions, Those docs might give a lot of background on why things are the way they are
Woodi but I already cited this :) 13:31