Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/08/12/2024-...6c-ending/ 13:38
timo i wonder if there's something Very Smart but Very Simple we can do to get spesh to look through the graph often enough to not miss anything, since sometimes optimizations at one spot enable optimizations at an earlier spot to happen, right? 15:56
lizmat that's my understanding: I often see that in refactoring code manually anyway :-) 16:01
timo i'm not sure i catch your meaning 16:08
something unrelated or vaguely related i've been wondering about is "peeling" a common path off to get more optimization opportunities in one version, but i find it really difficult to come up with a way to decide when exactly to try that 16:09
i guess i should start by finding a few examples manually where i'm certain it would be helpful 16:11
i really want a spesh viewer with more features than just "open file with vim" LOL 16:12
oh no ... what am i doing ...
lizmat :-) 16:13
timo so this is pretty cool: you can create a devcontainer in vscode and in the "additional features" you can literally just ask for Raku, because it's one of the official things asdf can get for you 16:33
lizmat nice
which version though ? 16:34
timo v2024.07.
lizmat not too shabby
timo absolutely
also comes with zef
i think it wouldn't be terribly much work to submit features to install some important individual raku packages via a zef that asdf pulls in, also 16:35
like, "cro via zef via asdf"
lizmat well, the's Rakudo Star ? 16:36
timo github.com/devcontainers-contrib/f.../raku-asdf
curious, cro fails its tests in this setup, because it can't connect to the service it starts? 16:39
kind of hurts to have to redo the whole install if the last package in your tree fails, but on the other hand nice to not be left with a bunch of random packages when the thing you actually wanted couldn't be installed 16:40
[Coke] cro has recommended installing sans tests for some time, but I *think* that was merely intended to be a time saver. 16:42
timo yeah i've considered --no-tests a time saving measure only, ideally tests wouldn't fail ever :(
if you have some tests that are important to development, but not reliable, maybe they should go in xt/ which i think isn't tested by default when you install something? 16:43
[Coke] correct. basically "author tests" 16:44
timo i wonder if, when zef is installed via asdf, it should also hook into asdf's shims mechanism so 1) the user doesn't have to set their path to contain ~/.asdf/installs/raku/$raku_version/share/perl6/site/bin (and friends) and 2) it seamlessly switches the shims to other versions when you use asdf to switch them 16:46