Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
Geth MoarVM/main: 2a0dc7f171 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 2 files
latin1.c and ascii.c can return str_consts.empty for 0-length string

except the very first time when creating the 0-length string constant
MoarVM/main: f2c57c0e35 | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Merge pull request #1827 from MoarVM/better_empty_strings
MoarVM/main: abab265d06 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/spesh/optimize.c
When guarding conc or type and type is known, guard just conc/type

The difference in moar bytecode is very small, but in JITted code it's a bit bigger since the non-"just" variant also jits a spesh slot access first.
MoarVM/main: 2b5dcaee98 | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/spesh/optimize.c
Merge pull request #1826 from MoarVM/turn_guard_into_just_if_possible
timo what's not awesome is that when we merge coolroot into main, everybody will have to re-run Configure so that config.h is regenerated from config.h.in 16:58
i wonder if there's a way to get a little output to people when that goes wrong so they know what's going on immediately 17:00
lizmat Configure on NQP ? 17:04
timo no Configure on moar 17:05
i guess you need to do that anyway whenever we bump versions since otherwise every step in the make process will yell at you? 17:06
ab5tract Yeah, I think that one kicks in automatically on version bumps 17:10
I’d have to check to be sure tho 17:11
Then again, I make clean every time.. 17:12
timo make clean in moar isn't enough i think? that leaves config.h and config.c undeleted, so that you can "make clean; make all" without trouble 17:16
"make distclean" will remove them though, and force you to reconfigure
Geth MoarVM/coolroot: f2dcdcae00 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 98 files
A re-imagining of the MVMROOT macros

where we don't have to put the code block inside the macro's argument list, which means the whole block is no longer considered a single statement by tools like gdb, profilers, and so on.
ab5tract timo: I meant realclean indeed, but I trigger that in the rakudo directory 17:25
timo ok, you rely on --build-moar of Configure.pl then? 17:27
ab5tract Indeed 17:32
timo i'll quickly look into the possibility of making MVMROOT a var arg macro so we don't need the numbers any more either 17:37
never mind, that's a terrible idea 17:40
Geth MoarVM/coolroot: e5e9553e87 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 98 files
A re-imagining of the MVMROOT macros

where we don't have to put the code block inside the macro's argument list, which means the whole block is no longer considered a single statement by tools like gdb, profilers, and so on.
timo i forgot a change in one file somehow 17:43
i can't find a "re-run failed" button for azure pipelines, and i clicked "re-run" on a few checks on the github side of things and it doesn't seem to be doing anything even though it popped up a "successfully requested X to be re run" or something 17:58
it's impressive how slow msvc is at compiling moar 18:04
oh i think i found the button 18:09
Geth MoarVM/main: ac82e446f1 | (Timo Paulssen)++ (committed by timo) | 98 files
A re-imagining of the MVMROOT macros

where we don't have to put the code block inside the macro's argument list, which means the whole block is no longer considered a single statement by tools like gdb, profilers, and so on.
timo very glad to have this out of the door 19:14
lizmat ok, so now time to bump Rakudo, right? 19:15
timo not strictly necessary, but of course it'd help to get testing in it 19:17
lizmat right, on it
timo i did some research to make sure the compiler spits out the same thing for old mvmroot and new mvmroot 21:50