timo .seen JimmyZ 00:59
tellable6 timo, I saw JimmyZ 2021-10-11T03:51:00Z in #moarvm: <JimmyZ> jnthnwrthngtn, nine, brrt ^
timo we probably want to bring our dyncall mirror up to date. the mirror we have lists version 1.2 as "upcoming", with just a single changelog entry, while the upstream changelog has a load of changes for 1.2, as well as the 1.3 and 1.4 versions, plus 1.5 (upcoming): dyncall.org/pub/dyncall/dyncall/fi.../ChangeLog 01:07
(there's a breaking change in version 1.4) 01:08
the changes aren't earth-shattering, but maybe someone would get a kick out of moarvm on riscv64 01:11
ugexe github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/issues/1775 03:56
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nine Do we even want to keep dyncall? I seem to remember that libffi could replace it completely. 08:31
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patrickb I think the biggest blocker was libffis unavailability on Windows. I think that has changed. We don't currently package libffi. That would have to happen first. 12:31
timo with --has-libffi i have now reached rakudo compilation 12:48
Stage parse : 238.796 12:55
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