01:13 MasterDuke joined 07:18 lizmat_ joined 07:19 [Coke]_ joined 07:21 [Coke] left, lizmat left 07:50 sena_kun joined 08:23 sena_kun left 08:39 lizmat_ left 08:40 lizmat joined 10:16 [Coke]_ is now known as [Coke]
Geth MoarVM/code_pair_cont_store_uint: 8c0d9780fa | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 3 files
add a dedicated function to store a uint to a code-pair container
MoarVM/code_pair_cont_store_uint: a8b81517a2 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 3 files
add a dedicated function to store a uint to a code-pair container
timo (forcepush to also remove the fixme comment) 11:31
lizmat OOC, what would be the purpose of that function
Geth MoarVM/cpcsu_deb_backport: 4c7cef5513 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 3 files
add a dedicated function to store a uint to a code-pair container
timo in order to properly invoke a -> uint $blah { } when put into a Proxy or similar as the STORE method
15:08 MasterDuke left 19:23 doomslord joined 19:24 coverable6 left, coverable6 joined, doomslord left 19:26 doomslord joined
doomslord Why the answers to this question are so poor? stackoverflow.com/questions/754238...ative-call 19:27
tellable6 2024-08-26T07:56:34Z #raku <librasteve> doomslord: i am sympathetic to your cause, but do you mean ␂<doomslord>␂ If you have only one denominator, Ints ^h^h^h Rats are as good as FatRats ???
doomslord why there is no easy way to craft a moarvm native object from c code? 19:28
timo NativeCall is an FFI that is not supposed to be tied to a single backend like moarvm, so your nativecall code also works on jvm for example 19:29
it might be easiest to pass a bunch of function pointers to raku functions into your C code and invoke them to do your data structure building?
doomslord That’s a good answer 19:30
19:30 rypervenche left
timo NativeCall is also primarily for binding stuff that already exists, which is unlikely to just be written with moar API in it 19:31
with the extops loading mechanism you can extend the capabilities of a nqp or rakudo process with C code, but i'm not sure you can have more than one, and rakudo already uses that for the perl6_ops or what it's called 19:32
19:32 rypervenche joined
doomslord It would be useful, on the other hand, to have an opaque way to reference to raku objects from c code 19:39
Although that’s a slippery slope to an API
timo when you hold references to moar objects you have to ensure the GC knows about them so the pointer can be updated when it moves, and it can be visited to keep the object alive. that is tricky. 19:40
on the other hand, you can just have a hash from int to object 19:41
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Geth MoarVM/code_pair_cont_store_uint: d90d39ba5d | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 3 files
add a dedicated function to store a uint to a code-pair container