pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by diakopter on 11 July 2007.
avar arg nothing works in kp6;/ 01:32
oh fuck yeah! 01:45
pugs_svnbot r18446 | avar++ | [kp6-lisp] Implemented :apply on function objects, my $sub = sub { 5 + 5 }; say $sub.() now works 01:50
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18446
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18446 - Pugs - Trac
avar the closure test passes \o/ 01:53
.map, .grep and .sort should be easy now 01:54
[particle] avar hearts kp6 -- twelve minutes from suck to rock :) 02:09
Tene avar++ 02:20
buu What the fuck, avar did something useful? 02:44
avar updates pugs.blogs.com/ 02:50
lambdabot Title: Pugs
avar Anyone interested in doing the CPAN releases for kp6? 03:33
make sure disttest, install works, writing a changelog, changing the version number, uploading..
[particle] avar: blog about it, you'll get more bites 05:02
integral nibbles on avar 07:01
spinclad gets a nip of earlobe in 07:10
meppl good morning 08:16
moritz_ I just 'svn up'ped parrot, and a 'make -j 3' compiled parrot, but the "make smoke" after that died with a segfault 11:07
I thought make -j was fixed[tm] :(
masak moritz_: what does -j do? 11:13
moritz_ masak: spawn multiple processes in parallel
masak during the make? 11:14
moritz_ masak: yes
masak that shouldn't affect the smoke at all, it seems
moritz_ masak: unless it breaks the build 11:15
masak moritz_: but why should it?
moritz_ masak: it did that previously :/
masak anyway, a make -j 3 here doesn't survive all the way through
it says "Invoking Parrot to generate runtime/parrot/include/config.fpmc --cross your fingers"
and then it dies 11:16
moritz_ masak: when not all dependencies are explicitly stated, some dependencies might be implicitly enforced wihtout the -j option
masak ah
masak ordinary make gives me the same error, btw 11:20
maybe I should report this somewhere?
moritz_ masak: on #parrot (irc.perl.org) preferably 11:21
masak: ordinary 'make && make smoke' work for me
pugs_svnbot r18447 | fglock++ | [kp6] changed .str => .Str, .int => .Int
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18447
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18447 - Pugs - Trac
masak moritz_: will do 11:22
there's one other non-bot on #parrot :/ 11:23
moritz_ masak: on irc.perl.org?
masak moritz_: oh. ah. 11:26
fglock does lisp care about 'int' vs 'Int' ?
masak hm, quite a bit more users over there, yes 11:27
avar fglock: no, methods are case insensitive for now 11:29
integral avar: you were looking for someone to do CPAN releases for kp6? 11:38
avar integral: ya, I'm lazy
pugs_svnbot r18448 | fglock++ | [kp6-perl] allow " undef but 'x' " 11:39
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18448
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18448 - Pugs - Trac
moritz_ kp6: say(undef but 'x') 11:40
exp_evalbot r18447: OUTPUT[Undef␤]
moritz_ not yet updated
fglock kp6: my $a = 0 but True; say $a,($a+2),( $a ?? "ok" !! "nok" ) 11:41
exp_evalbot r18447: OUTPUT[02ok␤]
fglock kp6: say(undef but 'x') 11:42
exp_evalbot r18448: OUTPUT[x␤]
fglock k
moritz_ allright, the svn up occured ;)
the crontab says 0-59/3 * * * * 11:43
masak kp6: say( (undef but True) ?? 'wai~!' :: 'no wai' ) 11:45
exp_evalbot r18448: OUTPUT[syntax error at position 3, line 1 column 3:␤say( (undef but True) ?? 'wai~!' :: 'no wai' ␤ ^ HERE␤Bareword found where operator expected at - line 2, near "* Syntax error"␤ (Missing operator before error?)␤syntax error at - line 2, near "* Syntax error in "␤BEGIN not safe
..after errors--compilation aborted at - line 5.␤]
masak uhn? what did I do wrong? :/ 11:46
fglock :: => !!
masak fglock: ah.
kp6: say( (undef but True) ?? 'wai~!' !! 'no wai' )
exp_evalbot r18448: OUTPUT[wai~!␤]
masak wai~! :)
fglock wai!
masak in 6.0.0, I'd say there should be a grammar subrule that catches the ??:: typo and politely corrects the erring programmer 11:47
avar integral: interested? :)
pugs_svnbot r18449 | fglock++ | [kp6] masak++ there should be a grammar subrule that catches the ??:: typo 11:54
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18449
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18449 - Pugs - Trac
fglock kp6: say( (undef but True) ?? 'wai~!' :: 'no wai' ) 11:56
exp_evalbot r18449: OUTPUT[maybe you mean infix:<?? !!> at compiled/perl5/lib/KindaPerl6/Grammar.pm line 1636, <> line 1.␤]
fglock oops - ternary 11:57
pugs_svnbot r18450 | fglock++ | [kp6] fixed last commit 12:00
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18450
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18450 - Pugs - Trac
masak fglock: realizing thoughts out loud 12:01
(meant to say fglock++) 12:02
masak actually, what is the p6 <-> parrot status? 12:10
integral avar: yes 12:12
integral is just svk upping again 12:13
moritz_ masak: which one do you mean?
masak: perl6onparrot?
masak: or various parrot backends for mp6/kp6/pugs? 12:14
or nqp?
masak moritz_: I'm a little interested in the relation between all the projects, if they're active in some sense, and how far they have progressed 12:15
moritz_ masak: ok, I'll try ;) 12:16
masak cool, thx
moritz_ currently the parrot folk work on the compiler tools, and implementing nqp with them
and, afaict, nqp is pretty much finished
and after that pmichaud (and other) will refocus on perl6onparrot 12:17
that's the parrot side of things
masak ok
moritz_ on the perl6 side, pugs has a bit-rotten parrot backend
no work here since long, long time ago
masak what needs to be done?
to reverse the bit rot, I mean 12:18
moritz_ mp6 has a parrot backend that nearly bootstraps mp6, but not quite
masak: I don't really know... It was broken when I joine p6 development back in june 07
kp6 doesn't have a parrot backend afaict
at least not more than a prototype 12:19
did I forgot any compiler? 12:20
masak seems most of the development is on kp6 right noe 12:21
masak so maybe focus on a kp6 parrot backend is more warranted than a refreshed one on pugs 12:22
just planning my weekend here :)
moritz_ masak: I thought about a kp6 parrot backend as well, because parrot now pretty much implements all of p6 object modell
masak: just without the syntactic sugar 12:23
masak would be cool
and probably reincrease pugs-parrot intercommunication
moritz_ which means that you have a performance boost _and_ less programming work
masak not bad. 12:24
moritz_ sadly now my university term has started and my time resources are limited 12:25
masak :(
(limited resources)--
moritz_ masak: if you're serious about that, try to apply for a micro grant 12:55
masak: I'm sure it'll be granted
masak moritz_: intriguing idea
the difference is, though, that it would be very dependent on my free time 12:56
moritz_ I just suggested that here: www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=645438
lambdabot Title: Re^3: book list for perl6?
masak and applying for a microgrant would be a bit like promising to do it, no?
so, at least this weekend, I will make it my private little project 12:57
maybe after that, if it seems feasible and not too big, I'd apply for a microgrant
excellent idea, though. I'll remember it
masak moritz_: btw, you "Perl 6 Micro Grant" link points wrong, it's the same as the kp6 link 12:58
moritz_ damned 12:59
thanks for the hint
masak: fixed 13:00
masak now works -- thx 13:01
avar integral: cool
integral: You could release 0.02 today if you're up for it:) 13:06
Aankhen``: HACK
integral avar: sounds good. I'm hacking on a mainframe for about another hour, then I'll look at kp6 :) 13:09
fglock integral: commiters wanted for v6.pm and Pugs::Compiler::Rule too 13:29
integral: what is your CPAN id? 13:31
integral BSMITH, fglock 13:32
fglock integral: Added BSMITH to co-maintainers of Pugs::*, v6, Inline::Parrot 13:37
avar fglock: yours is FGLOCK right? 13:39
ya 13:41
fglock, integral: gave you comaint on KindaPerl6* 13:43
fglock avar: yes
Aankhen`` avar: I told you, I'm taking a break from programming. 15:44
moritz_ ... and still hanging around in #perl6 ;) 15:45
Aankhen`` But of course. :-)
I never said I was taking a break from IRC. Or anything else, for that matter.
avar Aankhen``: wrarr 15:54
Aankhen`` To you too!
Aankhen`` wanders off. 15:55
fax hi guys 15:58
moritz_ hi fax ;) 15:59
rindolf Hi fax 16:01
pugs_svnbot r18451 | brian_d_foy++ | * I constructed two bad tests. In hexadecimal numbers written with 16:26
r18451 | brian_d_foy++ | the adverbial form, the leading 0d or 0b are hex digits, not
r18451 | brian_d_foy++ | internal radix specifiers. I've fixed that, so two more tests
r18451 | brian_d_foy++ | should pass now. :)
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18451
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18451 - Pugs - Trac
avar fax: hia fax 16:37
fax: check out pugs.blogs.com :) 16:38
fax avar: Great! 16:41
moritz_ is there a "lazy" but still efficient sort algorithm, so that @list.sort.[0] can be done in O(@list.elems)? 16:42
and full sort in O(n log n) for n = @list.elems
fglock you mean make it return @list.min instead? 16:43
moritz_ fglock: in this case yes, but in the more general case a lazy sort 16:44
fglock: so that the sort is only actually made if you access it, and if you don't acces half of the sorted array you don't have to sort the other half
[particle] bubble sort works well for mostly sorted data 16:45
moritz_ [particle]: yes, but has O(n²) in the general case
[particle] yep
fglock yes, it's possible - but you need some way to know when the user means to access all elements or not 16:46
[particle] might be something to switch to when some part of the list is already sorted
moritz_ is running throug different sort algorithims in his mind
[particle] mergesort can do it in constant space
moritz_ and quicksort might be lazily implementable 16:47
you make one pass and split your list into one half that is bigger than a reference element, and the other half is smaller 16:48
the items in each half, that is
[particle] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_algorithm
lambdabot Title: Selection algorithm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
moritz_ so if you access only the first half of the generated list, you can safly omit processing the second half 16:49
[particle]: looking
fax avar: glug
avar: I did a fix to Array.lisp 16:50
I can't commit until I remember my password :S
[particle] if you need, we can resend your commit bit to reset the password 16:51
fax yeah please, that would great
moritz_ commitbit not responding to me :( 16:53
[particle] me neither :( 16:54
Juerd: ping
moritz_ or diakopter, if you are around... or obra ;)
[particle] Juerd: commitbit isn't responding... can you perform some admin magic?
moritz_ randomly hilights feather sudoers 16:55
there's Sort::Key::Top on CPAN 17:00
TimToady fax: commitbit resent 17:12
fax thanks
TimToady (had to kill jifty on feather to restart it) 17:13
[particle] TimToady++
pugs_svnbot r18452 | fax++ | [kp6-lisp] fixed array index check 17:17
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18452
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18452 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r18453 | fax++ | [kp6-lisp] (oops!) properly fixed array index check this time 17:20
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18453
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18453 - Pugs - Trac
moritz_ "Perl 6 is meant to be Lisp + CPAN, no minuses." by [dragonchild] 17:34
nicely phrased ;)
TimToady well, there's a bit of syntax in there too... 17:37
moritz_ aye ;) 17:38
moritz_ that quote was from www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=645520 btw 17:40
lambdabot Title: Re^3: Catalyst vs CGI::Application
avar fax: cat t/kp6/35-undef.t | perl script/kp6 -lisp | sbcl 19:03
Error: The index 666 is too large.
fax I fixed that now :p 19:04
pugs_svnbot r18454 | fax++ | [kp6-lisp] Array out of bounds access returned undef now
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18454
avar fax: the problem is doing my @a; @a[666]; lookup tries to search for stuff without checking how large the array is
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18454 - Pugs - Trac
avar whee:) 19:05
fax I am sort of trying to get $counter := 1;
to work now
$counter := $other_counter; works though
avar bindings?
fax yes binding for values
avar awesome
clkao 6/win 25 19:06
avar I don't really know what that entails
fax me neither :p
I will probably figure it out
(I hope so..)
Do you know what /c is short for in lookup-lexical-variable/c ? 19:07
avar it returns a cell as opposed to the variable, itself. I have no idea what cells are supposed to be 19:08
fax ah ok
it seems like it uses cells for bindings to variables
avar wonders what the crap this macro soup in global.lisp is supposed to be 19:20
integral debian-- # stupid perl-doc
moritz_ integral: what's stupid about it? 19:21
integral it's not installed by default 19:22
pugs_svnbot r18455 | avar++ | [kp6-lisp] Implemented not()
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18455
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18455 - Pugs - Trac
avar integral-- # debian is always right 19:34
Tene avar-- # I like docs 19:35
moritz_ debian++ # just to compensate :)
avar Tene-- # Install perl-doc then 19:36
karma war!
integral it's just because perl's part of the base install. If I'd installed it with aptitude I'd have gotten perl-doc or at least seen it.
[particle] karma-- 19:37
rgs debian-- # weird @INC
integral no, it's a sensible FHS compliant and useful @INC
fax In pugs, my $x; my $y; $x = 0; $y = 666; $y := $x; $x := 1; say "$x & $y" 19:47
that says "1 & 0"
is that right?
Tene pugs: my $x; my $y; $x = 0; $y = 666; $y := $x; $x := 1; say "$x & $y" 19:48
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[1 & 0␤]
[particle] yes, that's right
Tene Yes, that's right.
[particle] y is bound to x
Tene fax: do you expect something different?
fax I expected 1 & 1
Tene pugs: my $x; my $y; $x = 0; $y = 666; $y := $x; $x = 1; say "$x & $y"
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[1 & 1␤]
PerlJam fax: why? you changed where $x was 19:49
Tene your last assignment was rebinding $x
integral when you set $x the last time, you're *binding* it, not assigning to it
fax aha!
ok thanks I get it now
PerlJam fax: have you ever using redirection from a unix command line? It's the same as the difference betweeen 2>&1 >/dev/null and >/dev/null 2>&1
order of operations is important :)
moritz_ never quite understood why the second order doesn't work 19:50
PerlJam "doesn't work"? 19:51
moritz_ ... the way I expect it to work ;)
PerlJam they both work. They just do something different.
rindolf What is the difference between := and = ?
moritz_ rindolf: := is binding, = is assignment
integral rindolf: := binds, = assigns. You're changing which box the name refers to; or changing what's inside the box
moritz_ rindolf: so := is kind of aliasing
pugs: my $a = 2; my $b := $a; $b = 3; say $a; 19:52
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[3␤]
rindolf I see.
avar it's also different in that = never copies "magic" like p5 does
so my $str = $anotherstr; is like my $str = "" . $anotherstr; in p5
moritz_ so you have to bind subroutines, you can't assign them, right?
avar uh, dunno 19:53
moritz_ pugs: my &a := sub { 42; }; say a();
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[42␤]
moritz_ pugs: my &a = sub { 42; }; say a();
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[*** Can't modify constant item: VStr "MkCode {isMulti = True, subName = \"&\", subType = SubPrim, subOuterPads = [], subInnerPad = MkPad (padToList []), subPackage = , subAssoc = AIrrelevantToParsing, subParams = [], subBindings = [], subSlurpLimit = [], subReturns = (mkType \"Any\"),
..subLValue = False, subBody = Prim ([Pugs.AST.Internals.Val] -...]
avar pugs: my $s = sub { 42 }; say $s
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[<SubRoutine(<anon>)>␤]
avar pugs: my $s = sub { 42 }; say $s ~ "" 19:54
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[<SubRoutine(<anon>)>␤]
avar pugs: my $s := sub { 42 }; say $s ~ ""
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[<SubRoutine(<anon>)>␤]
avar pugs: my $s := sub { 42 }; say $s
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[<SubRoutine(<anon>)>␤]
avar hrm
moritz_ pugs: my $s = sub { 42 }; say $s();
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[42␤]
avar isn't $s() $s.() now?
[particle] it desugars to that 19:57
avar fax: I'm killing coerce.lisp :) 20:00
fax ok
pugs: my $x; my $y; $x = 0; $y = 666; $y := $x; $x := 3; say "$x & $y"
exp_evalbot OUTPUT[3 & 0␤]
fax I just got that to work in kp6-lisp 20:01
(it was saying 3 & 3 before)
avar neat
how about sub binding and whatnot?
fax I've not look at that
are there some more examples of using bindings?
avar just the tests in t/kp6 I guess 20:02
t/kp6/05-bind.t passes for you? 20:03
fax yes
avar 15-rebind.t ?
fax yes
avar awesome:) 20:04
fax well I'll commit then?
avar sure!
it compiles, ship it 20:05
fax haha 20:06
pugs_svnbot r18456 | fax++ | [kp6-lisp] starting to bind constant values 20:13
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18456
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18456 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r18457 | avar++ | Why doesn't $(echo 'say ((0).true).Str' | perl script/kp6 -lisp) produce an interpreter for :true? Find out later, hack around it in the meantime 20:16
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18457
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18457 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r18458 | avar++ | [kp6-lisp] slot-value not kp6-value 20:19
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18458
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18458 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r18459 | avar++ | Use .Str and .Num in GLOBAL.lisp to string and numify stuff. This breaks a lot of things probably 20:22
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18459
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18459 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r18460 | avar++ | generated from 18456 by fax 20:32
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18460
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18460 - Pugs - Trac
fax oh I'm mean to commit that :S
I especially removed it from the list of files to commit..
I'll remember next time
avar don't sweat it 20:33
avar down to 24 failing tests from 32 yesterday:) 20:37
fax cool :D
avar some regressions due to my last commit though. I'll fix those 20:38
pugs_svnbot r18461 | avar++ | [kp6-lisp] $Int.Str implemented 20:41
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18461
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18461 - Pugs - Trac
avar 23 now at least:)
avar *22 20:43
avar hrm, 32 actually, I probably didn't compile them all 20:56
avar fax: trying to get $sub.($param) working 21:13
pugs_svnbot r18462 | fglock++ | [kp6] pod ends in =end 21:38
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18462
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18462 - Pugs - Trac
ludan hi 23:12
avar ludan: hi 23:17
pugs_svnbot r18463 | avar++ | [kp6-lisp] .Int implementation for Str 23:55
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18463
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18463 - Pugs - Trac
pugs_svnbot r18464 | avar++ | [kp6-lisp] :Num not :num, not that it matters. But it feels sooo much better 23:58
diff: dev.pugscode.org/changeset/18464
lambdabot Title: Changeset 18464 - Pugs - Trac