13:06 discord-raku-bot left 13:56 discord-raku-bot joined
Hydrazer ah i needed to use token on calc-op instead of rule 18:07
im trying to use grammars but im not really understanding why using .*? in place of <random> works here ```pl 18:54
grammar Calc {
token TOP {^^ [<random> <calc-op> <random>] * $$}
proto token calc-op {*}
token calc-op:sym<sub> {
<num> <minus> <num>
token num {<whitespace> \d+ <whitespace>}
token minus {<whitespace> "-" <whitespace>}
token whitespace {\s*}
token random {.*?}
Calc.parse("a3 - 3e a;3;42;34;;3-24");
``` 18:55
「3 - 3」
num => 「3 」
whitespace => 「」
whitespace => 「 」
``` vs
CIAvash Hydrazer: I guess `ratcheting` is involved, changing `TOP` and `random` from `token` to `regex` works. 20:01
20:27 melika joined 21:32 melika left
Hydrazer ok cool 23:44