gfldex m: "..##".trans: . => a, # => e; # Rakudo, how clever are you? 00:11
m: m: "..##".trans: '.' => a, '#' => e; # Rakudo, how clever are you?
m: m: "..##".trans: '.' => 'a', '#' => 'e'; # Rakudo, how clever are you? 00:13
m: "..##".trans: '.' => 'a', '#' => 'e'; # Rakudo, how clever are you?
m: say "..##".trans: '.' => 'a', '#' => 'e';
m: say "..##".trans: <. #> => <a e>; 00:15
This should have been covered by 00:21
This is a nice example, that test driven programming works well -- with the right kinds of tests. 00:33
Hydrazer oeuf 01:39
gfldex m:``` 03:30
multi sub possible($a, $b where { $a == $b² }) { say „$a is $b²“ }
multi sub possible($a, $b where { $a =~= $b²}) { say „$a is possibly $b²“ }
multi sub possible(| ($a, $b)) { say „$a is not $b²“ }
possible 1, -1;
possible 2, sqrt(2);
possible 4, 4;
Nemokosch So can you confirm that this still isn't the right behavior for # inside tr? 06:44
gfldex So far there was no reply in <#633753335119478795> . 08:31
Nemokosch 😬 12:18
halcek Uploaded file: 14:59
Hi, a quick question: Is, or could there be there some built-in function in Raku, equivalent to Ruby's times? So that you can set repeating a value by using a keyword (such as times, in 5.times ( print "T" ) , or something like print "T" 5.times, which is grammatically natural for a novice, instead of an operator being the only possibility to 15:00
induce this like: print "T" x 5?
lizmat m: print "T" for ^5
camelia TTTTT
lizmat halcek ^^ 15:01
halcek lizmat yes, something like that! Thanks,
SmokeMachine m: print(“T”) xx 5 15:31
camelia TTTTT
lizmat m: say print(“T”) xx 5 15:33
camelia TTTTT(True True True True True)
lizmat I generally consider xx to not be used for its side-effects, but you're right, you could do it like that as well :-)
Nemokosch what side effects? 15:39
SmokeMachine The printed string 15:40
Nemokosch oh I misunderstood it for 'T' xx 5 15:41