This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Nemokosch > Also, in the absence of another sigil, :: can serve as its own sigil indicating intentional use of a not-yet-declared package name 07:27
sounds correct-ish but ::?CLASS is arguably not a package name?
Kaiepi it's a hardcoded symbol in rakudo. `?` pops up as a twigil in constants, like `$?BITS` 07:31
it's a symbol in rakudo. `?` pops up as a twigil in constants, like `$?BITS`
Nemokosch I think :: also shows up at parametrized roles 07:33
Kaiepi type captures? `::T`
Nemokosch even with the explanation provided, it's hard to see them as "dummy package separators"
and ::?CLASS seems like the same case
I started to think this :: is some sort of type sigil