00:36 MasterDuke joined 02:38 DarthGandalf left 03:18 MasterDuke left 05:38 ACfromTX left 06:23 swaggboi left 06:24 swaggboi joined
ab5tract Nothing technical, no 07:35
nahita3882 there is also -p to print $_ at the end of processing each line but well it requires what you want printed stored in $_, so might be less readable in this case 08:09
:/tmp$ <<< $'hi 445\nhere 78' raku -pe'$_ = m/\D* (\d*)/' 「hi 445」 0 => 「445」 「here 78」 0 => 「78」 08:10
08:35 DarthGandalf joined 08:51 thowe left, thowe joined
timemelon thanks for the tip! I had a play around with that and found .=match(...).=Str which is kinda neat too 11:02
ab5tract ah yeah, implicit method dispatch on the topic is great 11:52
20:57 MasterDuke joined