This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:25 Manifest0 left 03:47 human-blip left 04:14 human-blip joined 04:26 teatime left 07:42 Manifest0 joined 08:42 wafflus joined
wafflus how do i compare a substet of two lists 08:45
like the list on the left is a complete subset of the list on the right 08:46
its ok i found what i needed 09:27
10:45 wafflus left
rcmlz I guess you used the set subset operator? 11:54
antononcube Or "Algorithm::Diff" ? 12:16
rcmlz I am big fan of the Unicode operators (write code once, read code 10 times) 15:04
m: say (1,2,3) ⊆ (1,2,3,4,5)
Raku eval True
rcmlz m: say 'c'..'q' ⊂ 'd'..'z'
Raku eval False
rcmlz so for me personally the effort of copy/paste the operators from is less then the gain during reading of the same code 15:05
16:53 soverysour joined 19:16 soverysour left, soverysour joined 19:38 teatime joined 20:43 soverysour left 21:21 wafflus joined
antononcube @rcmlz That indicates that you are using Raku on Windows or Linux. 21:44
22:27 wafflus left 23:30 Manifest0 left