This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
03:28 beanbrain joined 05:14 human_blip left 08:02 Chanakan left, Chanakan joined 08:10 dakkar joined 08:12 teatime joined
ab5tract \o/ 08:18
10:36 beanbrain left 13:13 teatwo joined 13:14 teatime left 13:43 dakkar left 13:59 Chanakan left 14:03 Chanakan joined 15:14 kjp left 15:37 kjp joined 17:10 Some-body_ joined 17:11 DarthGandalf left 17:13 Some-body_ is now known as DarthGandalf 17:47 discord-raku-bot left 17:48 discord-raku-bot joined 20:28 habere-et-disper joined
habere-et-disper I can negate a character class with a minus prefix. This doesn't extend to Unicode properties or did I miss something ? 20:29
antononcube Can you give an example? 20:30
You can always use a conditional code block in the regex to check for are some conditions of the match are met. (Well, you most likely know that...) 20:32
librasteve Its negation is this: <:!property>. So, <:!Lu> matches a single character that is not an upper-case letter.
habere-et-disper Thanks -- so it's a ! for Unicode properties and a - for a character class. =b 20:37
librasteve ^^ i got this from the docs, it seems that char class union with + and negation with - is common across both regular and unicode classes 20:38
/<:Zs + [\x9] - [\xA0] - [\x202F] >/ # Any character with "Zs" property, or a tab, but not a "no-break space" or "narrow no-break space"
so maybe you can use '-' on unicode ones also ... but I haven't tried it 20:39
21:01 lizmat left 21:02 lizmat joined 21:33 habere-et-disper left 22:51 teatwo left, teatwo joined 22:54 Some-body_ joined 22:57 DarthGandalf left 22:58 Some-body_ is now known as DarthGandalf 23:18 DarthGandalf left 23:19 DarthGandalf joined 23:32 DarthGandalf left 23:34 DarthGandalf joined