This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:01 MasterDuke joined 02:10 jgaz left 03:54 Chanakan left 04:00 Chanakan joined 12:13 MasterDuke left 13:10 jgaz joined 21:09 jgaz left
briandouglas_71953 What editor are most people using for raku? 21:57
lizmat many use 22:00
briandouglas_71953 Thanks 22:07
antononcube @briandouglas_71953 Depends for what. I write Raku package with Commaide. But this why to "heavy" and "involved". For simple scripts I use Visual Studio Code with Bscan's Raku extension. For research, I use Jupyter notebooks or chatbooks. 22:13
briandouglas_71953 I'm enjoying writing beautiful code with Raku. I came across this which surprised me, whilst writing a DI container. // Precedence issue with ! and :exists, perhaps you meant :!exists? method set(Str $abstract, Callable $factory) { if ! %!bindings{$abstract}:exists { %!bindings{$abstract} = $factory; } } // WORKS method set(Str $abstract, Callable 22:22
$factory) { if %!bindings{$abstract}:!exists { %!bindings{$abstract} = $factory; } }
Nice error message btw
antononcube Consider using LLMs with and for Raku. 22:33
briandouglas_71953 I am, thanks 22:42
I'd appreciate a code review as I'm a newbie, pointers are welcome. Here is a DI container, without autowiring. I'll tackle reflection tomorrow. 23:05