07:57 dakkar joined
antononcube Question about private class methods: Is it true that a class trusts itself? I.e. a method of a class A can use private methods of A on any instance of A? (Not just self.) 14:56
This might seem obvious, and it seems to be true, but, well, I want to be sure... 🙂 14:57
lizmat m: class A { method !b() { say "private" }; method c() { A.new!b } }; A.new.c 15:05
camelia private
lizmat antononcube so: yes
antononcube Ok. Thanks! 15:08
Should it be mentioned in the documentation or it can deduced from Raku's core principles. 15:09
@lizmat Nice short demo example, BTW. 15:10
lizmat in dispatch, a private method will be looked up in the private method table of the class's meta object 15:11
the invocant is set to the class, so in that sense it follows out of Raku's core implementation
antononcube Yeah, sounds good/right. 15:13
holmdunc I think Scala made that distinction possible ("private" vs "private this") 15:18
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