This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
05:23 lizmat left
dr.doom5771 hey i am trying to insta raku after cloning it from git I have run the following command perl --gen-moar --gen-nqp --backends=moar 06:10
instructions now say to run make but there is no make file
~/rakudo $ ls 3rdparty lib VERSION nqp azure-pipelines.yml package.json CREDITS blib rakuast-tests config.status src docs t dynext tools LICENSE gen 06:11
these are the current files 06:14
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antononcube @dr.doom5771 I have not heard of "insta raku" (just "gangsta raku" ™️ by @grenzo). 13:39
@dr.doom5771 Do you try to compile and install Raku from sources? Or just install Raku? 13:40
13:40 lizmat__ left
dr.doom5771 I was installing from source, it was rakudo 13:45
I don't see insta raku anywhere maybe it's a misunderstanding? 13:46
antononcube I think you wanted to write: > i am trying to install raku 13:53
My first thought was that there is a "insta raku" distribution or something... Then I figured out it is a misspelling. 13:55
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