This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
01:06 KOTP left, rantanplan joined, snonux left 01:07 KOTP joined 02:31 Heptite joined 04:35 Heptite left 09:11 dakkar joined 09:57 KOTP left 09:58 rantanplan left, greenfork left 09:59 samebchase left, snonux joined 10:00 samebchase joined 10:06 samebchase left, snonux left, snonux joined, samebchase joined 10:07 greenfork joined 10:18 KOTP joined 11:45 snonux left 11:46 KOTP left, greenfork left 11:47 samebchase left 11:51 snonux joined 11:52 samebchase joined 11:54 KOTP joined, greenfork joined 11:55 hudo left 11:56 hudo joined 13:25 hudo__ joined, RakuIRCLogger left 13:32 hudo__ joined, RakuIRCLogger left 13:38 DarthGandalf left 14:03 DarthGandalf joined 14:11 lizmat_ joined 14:16 lizmat left 14:18 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined 14:39 Heptite joined 14:54 Heptite left 17:41 dakkar left 19:09 stanrifkin joined 23:44 Chanakan left, Chanakan5591 joined