This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
.ohnowendigo ab5tract: My requirements are this: given a list and a set of indices, I want to produce a new list where the values of the given indices have some transformation applied, and the rest are untouched. Say, to turn <a b c d> into <a B C d> (feeding in indices 1 and 2). Right now the only way I know how to do that is to clone the original list and mutate the clone, I was wondering if there was a more 00:42
elegant way
ab5tract m: my @a = <a b c d>; my $idx = set 1,2; my @b = -> $k, $v { $k (elem) $idx ?? $v.uc !! $v }; dd :@a, :@b 00:48
camelia :a(["a", "b", "c", "d"])
:b(["a", "B", "C", "d"])
01:27 Manifest0 left 01:44 ACfromTX joined 04:09 lizmat_ joined 04:12 kjp left 04:13 lizmat left, kjp joined 04:14 kjp left, kjp joined 05:25 swaggboi left, hudo__ left, gfldex left, discord-raku-bot left, tbrowder left, tonyo left 05:27 swaggboi joined, hudo__ joined, gfldex joined, discord-raku-bot joined, tbrowder joined, tonyo joined 05:38 ACfromTX left 05:39 ACfromTX joined
wambash m: my $proc = [1,0,3]; $ {$ > 0 ?? ($, $-1) !! 0 } andthen [X,] $ andthen .say 07:20
Raku eval ((1 0 3) (1 0 2) (0 0 3) (0 0 2))
07:39 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined 07:54 human-blip left 07:55 human-blip joined, human-blip left 07:56 human-blip joined 09:03 Manifest0 joined 09:14 dakkar joined 11:36 librasteve_ joined
ab5tract hmm, something must have gotten lost in translation with the discord bot 17:21
librasteve $ {$_ > 0 ?? ($_, $_-1) !! 0 } andthen [X,] $_ andthen .say; 17:38
discord likes to drop the _ from $_ 17:39
17:44 dakkar left
it took me a bit of head scratching to work out what's going on ... but basically andthen takes the thing on it's left and puts it in the $_ on the rhs of the operator 17:58
m: say [X,] ((1, 0), 0, (3, 2)); 17:59
Raku eval ((1 0 3) (1 0 2) (0 0 3) (0 0 2))
librasteve where ((1, 0), 0, (3, 2)) is the result of the first .map clause
so all the heavy lifting is done by [X,] ie reduce [] via cross metaoperator X with the , comma operator 18:00
ab5tract yeah, a pretty slick bit of code @wambash 18:08
I was trying to convert it to feed operators but haven't managed to so far 18:18
wambash m: my $proc = [1,0,3]; |$proc ==> map {$ > 0 ?? ($, $_-1) !! 0 } ==> reduce &[X] ==> say() 18:24
Raku eval ((1 0 3) (1 0 2) (0 0 3) (0 0 2))
ab5tract ah, nice! 18:34
librasteve [1,0,3] ==> map {$_ > 0 ?? ($_, $_-1) !! 0 } ==> reduce &[X] ==> say() [fix the Discord ;-)]
@wambash ... that's so cool - please can you explain the use of & in reduce &[X] ? 18:35
ab5tract it's necessary to "grab hold" of X 18:36
as &X won't refer to the meta-op
ie it's the same as &[+]
librasteve m: say &+ 18:40
Raku eval 3
librasteve .oO
wambash m: say &[X] === &infix:<X> 18:59
Raku eval True
librasteve m: [1,0,3] ==> map -> \n { n>0 ?? (n, n-1) !! 0 } ==> reduce &[X] ==> say() 19:11
Raku eval ((1 0 3) (1 0 2) (0 0 3) (0 0 2))
librasteve think I slightly prefer n over $_ in this example, otherwise perfect (ymmv) 19:12
ab5tract librasteve: the bridge strikes again 19:50
m: say &+
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing required term after infix
at <tmp>:1
------> say &+⏏<EOL>
expecting any of:
ab5tract what am I missing there?
librasteve afaiui the syntax is &[+]($l,$r) 19:59
so the ampersand square brackets convert the operator into a function 20:00 20:15
perplexity knows this, but I cannot locate the relevant section of raku docs
timemelon I've come across this before, afaik it's not in the docs 20:44
ab5tract This '3' is the result I'm asking about. What's missing from `&+` that causes the result of 3 23:07
librasteve: ^^
renormalist Still struggling to "get" types, especially when to represent "nothing". So when I used "undef" in Perl, what do I use in Raku that works most universal? Nil? Any:U? (what's the difference), something else? 23:11
lizmat renormalist: you might find this series of blog posts interesting: 23:13
renormalist m'kay. I think I have read that series already with that question in mind. Maybe I'm just not getting it, though.
lizmat I actually realize I may not have covered that hmmm 23:14
renormalist still assume I'm an idiot, I could really just holding it wrong. 23:15
lizmat heh
renormalist I'm searching for something canaonical that works as "undef" in a list of Int and also in a list of Str.
lizmat Cool
renormalist [<a b c Nil e f>]
lizmat or Any
renormalist [1,2,3,Nil,5]
so not Nil? 23:16
lizmat Nil indicates the absence of a value where there should be one
m: my $a is default(42) = 666; say $a; $a = Nil; say $a
camelia 666
lizmat assigning Nil reverts a container to its default state
the default state of an array element is Any 23:17
m: my @a; say @a[0]
camelia (Any)
lizmat m: my @a is default(42); say @a[0]
camelia 42
lizmat you can change that with "is default"
renormalist reads and thinks about it
lizmat m: my @a = 1,2,3, Nil, 42; dd @a 23:18
camelia [1, 2, 3, Any, 42]
lizmat that's why you see Any there, and not Nil
renormalist so if I'm not directly on a variable $x, but instead thinking in lists with "unclear/undef" entries, would I place Any in them?
ah, that's it, then
renormalist needs a second to think about it 23:19
lizmat if you constrain an array to a type, then it would need to be that type
m: my Int @a = 42; @a[1] = Any
camelia Type check failed for an element of @a; expected Int but got Any (Any)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat m: my Int @a = 42; @a[1] = Int 23:20
camelia ( no output )
lizmat m: my Int @a = 42; @a[1] = Nil; dd @a
camelia Int = Array[Int].new(42, Int)
renormalist m: [1,2,3,Nil,5] 23:21
camelia ( no output )
renormalist m: my $l = [1,2,3,Nil,5]; dd $l; 23:22
camelia $l = $[1, 2, 3, Any, 5]
renormalist m: my @l = [1,2,3,Nil,5]; dd @l;
camelia [1, 2, 3, Any, 5]
renormalist m: my Str @l = [1,2,3,Nil,5]; dd @l;
camelia Type check failed for an element of @l; expected Str but got Int (1)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
renormalist m: my StrInt @l = [1,2,3,Nil,5]; dd @l;
camelia ===SORRY!===
Type 'StrInt' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> my StrInt⏏ @l = [1,2,3,Nil,5]; dd @l;
Malformed my
at <tmp>:1
------> my⏏ StrInt @l = [1,2,3,Nil,5]; dd @l;
renormalist m: my IntStr @l = [1,2,3,Nil,5]; dd @l;
camelia Type check failed for an element of @l; expected IntStr but got Int (1)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
renormalist :) damn
m: my Int @l = [1,2,3,Nil,5]; dd @l; 23:23
camelia Type check failed for an element of @l; expected Int but got Any (Any)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
renormalist m: my Int $nil is default(666); my Int @l = [1,2,3,$nil,5]; dd @l;
camelia Int = Array[Int].new(1, 2, 3, 666, 5)
lizmat m: dd Int ~~ IntStr 23:24
camelia Bool::False
lizmat m: dd IntStr ~~ Int
camelia Bool::True
lizmat that's why the typecheck failed
renormalist so my numbers (Int) dont ~~ IntStr, but "1", "2" would? 23:25
m: dd "5".^name 23:26
camelia "Str"
renormalist m: dd"5").^name
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 3 arguments but got 2
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
renormalist m: IntStr $x is default("5"); dd $x.^name
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> IntStr⏏ $x is default("5"); dd $x.^name
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
statement mod…
renormalist m: my IntStr $x is default("5"); dd $x.^name 23:27
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Default value '5' will never bind to a variable of type IntStr
at <tmp>:1
------> my IntStr $x is default("5")⏏; dd $x.^name
expecting any of:
renormalist :) I need to type first in my terminal, before I confuse everything , brb :)
lizmat m: my IntStr $x is default(<5>); dd $x.^name 23:30
camelia "IntStr"
lizmat m: my IntStr $x is default(<5>); dd $x
camelia IntStr $x =, "5")
lizmat <5> syntax creates allomorphs when possible
m: dd <a b c 42 65.0 3i 137e0> 23:31
camelia ("a", "b", "c",, "42"),, "65.0"),<0+3i>, "3i"),, "137e0"))
renormalist well, that touches another question I was about to ask today. What is an allomorph. Found earlier discussions on reddit with that.
(If there is a short answer or URL)
(I understand u cant explain the same stuff again forever)
lizmat 23:32
hope you can work with that... 23:33
renormalist Ah, that's why a string 5 generated with <5> is in fact more than a Str, it is that 2-in-1 thing? While "5" is strictly only a Str.
lizmat yup
lizmat is getting some shuteye&
renormalist yeah me too
let's get some sleep
thank you very much so far