This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022. |
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renormalist | I summarized my understanding of the last days into - if anyone sees wrong rubbish I confused I'm happily taking corrections. | 03:12 | |
ab5tract | renormalist: this link is broken - | 03:14 | |
otherwise it's looking pretty good | 03:17 | ||
librasteve | renormalist: a very nice summary of what is going on and why … thanks for mentioning my post. the only point I would add is to elaborate a bit on what we mean by in a Perl DWIM way | 08:17 | |
i.e. how can a reproduce the ease with which perl can represent numbers and strings interchangeably within a strongly typed language | 08:20 | ||
imo raku types are both strong and optional | 08:21 | ||
weekly: | 08:24 | ||
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lizmat | weekly: | 09:54 | |
heh | |||
nahita3882 | as for better code evaluation communication with IRC, the both here accepts inputs surrounded with 1 or 3 backticks, so that might help transmit it verbatim | 09:57 | |
e.g., without backticks: | |||
m: {$ + $ * $ ** $ }.(4).say | |||
Raku eval | 1028 | ||
nahita3882 | with: | ||
m: {$_ + $_ * $_ ** $_ }.(4).say | |||
Raku eval | 1028 | ||
nahita3882 | also supports 3 backticks for multiline | 09:58 | |
m: print "y"; print "es\n"; | |||
Raku eval | yes | ||
nahita3882 | but i'm guessing multiline isn't pretty for IRC, so it's more useful for Discord-only channels maybe | 09:59 | |
scullucs | @nahita3882: Turns out that multiline verbatim Discord gets concatenad in IRC, so your example appears like this: | 14:38 | |
<nahita3882> m: print "y"; print "es\n"; | |||
Which is pretty okay. | 14:39 | ||
nahita3882 | thanks for the multiline input | 14:44 | |
lucs | Sure thing :-) | 14:45 | |
librasteve | oh - thanks @nahita3882 that's awesome - I use backtick in comments to avoid mangling - had not thought to us in an m: block | 15:45 | |
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shrewfromburrow | whats the proper method to find the local /lib when testing a module? right now ive added use lib $?FILE.IO.dirname.IO.dirname ~ "/lib"; to my script but that seems like its not the ideal way to do things :> | 18:24 | |
antononcube | Maybe you can use use lib <. lib>; ? | 19:05 | |
ab5tract | shrewfromburrow: I believe the best approach is use -I. when running the test | 19:09 | |
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librasteve | @shrewfromburrow I think the _proper _method is to zef install . --force-install and then your module is loaded with the META6.json info (and Build.rakumod) if you have it | 22:00 | |
that said I normally go 1 #!/usr/bin/env raku 2 use lib '../lib'; | 22:03 | ||
^^ based on my script.raku is in /bin and the module.rakumod is in /lib | 22:07 | ||
or my test.rakutest is in /t | 22:08 | ||
ab5tract | raku -I. bin/script t/test.rakutest | 23:06 |