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librasteve good idea - thanks! 08:23
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.ohnowendigo m: say Q/my $x; $x.succ/.AST.deparse("NL") 19:05
Raku eval Exit code: 1 No such method 'deparse' for invocant of type 'RakuAST::StatementList'. Did you mean 'DEPARSE'? in block <unit> at main.raku line 1
.ohnowendigo m: say Q/my $x; $x.succ/.AST.DEPARSE("NL") 19:06
Raku eval Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/EVAL_1 Could not find RakuAST::Deparse::L10N::NL in: /home/glot/.raku /nix/store/g1bz1z20yh9n8dg7913r68grnkgg3584-rakudo-2024.01/share/perl6/site /nix/store/g1bz1z20yh9n8dg7913r68grnkgg3584-rakudo-2024.01/share/perl6/vendor /nix/store/g1bz1z20yh9n8dg7913r68grnkgg3584-rakudo-2024.01/share/perl6/core
CompUnit::Repository::AbsolutePath<4301146667056> CompUnit::Repository::NQP<4301140943432> CompUnit::Repository::Perl5<4301140943472> at /home/glot/EVAL_1:2
.ohnowendigo m: say Q/my $x; $x.succ/.AST.DEPARSE("DE") 19:07
Raku eval Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/EVAL_1 Could not find RakuAST::Deparse::L10N::DE in: /home/glot/.raku /nix/store/g1bz1z20yh9n8dg7913r68grnkgg3584-rakudo-2024.01/share/perl6/site /nix/store/g1bz1z20yh9n8dg7913r68grnkgg3584-rakudo-2024.01/share/perl6/vendor /nix/store/g1bz1z20yh9n8dg7913r68grnkgg3584-rakudo-2024.01/share/perl6/core
CompUnit::Repository::AbsolutePath<3144861988856> CompUnit::Repository::NQP<3144855216712> CompUnit::Repository::Perl5<3144855216752> at /home/glot/EVAL_1:2
.ohnowendigo Awww beans
ab5tract hmm, that's a bit surprising 20:11
lizmat: it seems that we are holding it wrong.. tried searching for more info on your dev.to and in rakudoweekly but didn't see anything yet 20:17
lizmat finanalyst wrote about it on dev.to 20:18
ab5tract ah, that will help for sure. but ISTR that there was an NL localization and several others that were finished 20:22
lizmat they live in github.com/raku/L10N/ now
ab5tract ah! thanks 20:28
ohnowendigo: I hope that clears things up a bit 20:29
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