gfldex m: say my $hey-raku-what-kind-of-problems-can-i-solve-with-you; 01:22
m:``` 01:30
sub postfix:<?>(\p) { p }
say my $hey-raku-what-kind-of-problems-can-i-solve-with-you?;
I will be damned if I can't put that into a blog post. :) 01:31
riffraff hey folks, I'm playing with grammars, and I have a problem: I want to match a pascal-style string, where the length of the string is an int at the prefix, e.g. 1a 3abc 5abcde. I think I could do by defining 08:03
a rule that takes a parameter e.g. ``` grammar Pascal { 08:05
token TOP { <length><payload($<length>)> }
token length { <[0..9]> }
token payload($length) { 'x' x { $length.Int } }
but I always seem to ge Nil as $length in <payload >
did I imagine this syntax?
a rule that takes a parameter e.g. ``` grammar Pascal {
token TOP { <length><payload($<length>)> }
token length { <[0..9]> }
token payload($length) { 'x' x { $length.Int } }
but I always seem to get Nil as $length in <payload >
hey folks, I'm playing with grammars, and I have a problem: I want to match a pascal-style string, where the length of the string is an int at the prefix, e.g. 1a 3abc 5abcde. I think I could do this by defining
Nemokosch in Pascal? 09:15
I've never seen anything like this in Pascal
riffraff AFAIR it was the way strings were represented, with prefix length, rather than being null terminated like in C 09:29 09:30
lakmatiol The issue afaik is that at the time you are trying to do the call, $/ is unset 09:50
Try <payload({$<length>})> 09:51
Nemokosch represented internally, not in the language though 10:25
riffraff sure
lakmatiol is there a way to pass a factory to `is default(` for example. If you give it a sub, it just calls the sub, but this way all defaults share the same BagHash 12:25
Nemokosch are you going to mutate the default value? 12:35
lakmatiol yes
Nemokosch why?
lakmatiol in this specific example, I need an array which contains more arrays 12:38
i eventually figured out you can just the `:U` variants of .push etc, but it would be nice to be able to set a default 12:40
Nemokosch default function argument or default type value?
lakmatiol default type value 12:52
sth like `my @a is default([])`
sth like `my @a is default([]);`
Nemokosch I don't know a language that has mutability and this would work 13:00
C in a way
lakmatiol python has a defaultdict which takes a function that produces the default values, and I believe julia has a similar features with its macros 13:02
python has a defaultdict which takes a function that produces the default values, and I believe julia has a similar feature with its macros
Nemokosch well, that's not a part of the language 13:03
one could implement a defaultdict in many languages 13:04
maybe even in Java these days
lakmatiol hmm, yeah, seems is default can't do this 13:05
well, IG just handrolling a defaultdict is the way to go
Nemokosch > Sets the default value with which a variable is initialized, and to which it is reset when Nil is assigned to it. Trait arguments are evaluated at compile time. Closures won't do what you expect: they are stored as is and need to be called by hand. 13:06
sounds like a rip
shift-eleven Is there no check if a string is uppercase, or a character, or would I have to use a regex? 15:23
well it seems using the `<:Lu>` regex pattern is my best bet and works well 15:50
gfldex m: say "Abc".&{ .uc eq .Str }; 16:55
shift-eleven ah alright, thanks! 17:05