shift-eleven is there an equivalent to ruby's `5.times` where is does something based on an int count? 12:04
lizmat for ^5 12:05
say "foo" for ^5
m: say "foo" for ^5
camelia foo
shift-eleven ah, keep forgetting that way 12:06
Nemokosch this 5.times stuff came up a couple of days ago 12:23
shift-eleven I remember this, but couldnt find it, ill try and search 12:25
right same solution 12:27
I guess the next thing would be is what is `^5`, is it a range?
lakmatiol yup 12:31
it's a shorthand for `0..^5`
raku ranges are inclusive by default, you can use `^` to exclude that bounhd 12:32
raku ranges are inclusive by default, you can use `^` to exclude that bound
shift-eleven ah gotcha 12:33
gfldex m: say &prefix:<^>.WHAT; 12:47
m: say &prefix:<^>.signature; 12:48