stevied ok, throwing curlies around the where clause clause did the trick: `{$mod ~~ any @modifiers}`. but I have no idea why 00:57
regular old parentheses work, too. I guess it must have been an order of precedence problem 00:58
6a4h8 OK so I'm switching from Perl to Raku - I had `qr{}` - it says to use `rx//` instead 01:10
I guess I'll try that
SmokeMachine m: say :($a where .count == 1).perl.substr: 1 01:22
camelia ($a where { ... })
SmokeMachine stevied#8273: it seems to be the problem: ^^ 01:24
6a4h8 OK so does Raku have `(*F)`? 01:25
SmokeMachine m: sub a($a where {…}) {}; a 42 # <- stevied#8273
camelia Stub code executed
in sub a at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
SmokeMachine 6a4h8#5380: sorry, what do you mean by (*F)? 01:27
6a4h8 I mean like the verb `FAIL` which will fail current match (unless there is a branch to take) 01:29
I'm porting from perl5
SmokeMachine sub triple(Str:D $app1, Str:D $app2, Str:D $key where .chars == 1, Str $mod? where { !.defined || $_ ~~ any @modifiers = 'command' }) {}; triple “a”, “b”
m: sub triple(Str:D $app1, Str:D $app2, Str:D $key where .chars == 1, Str $mod? where { !.defined || $_ ~~ any @modifiers = 'command' }) {}; triple “a”, “b” 01:30
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '@modifiers' is not declared
at <tmp>:1
------> tr $mod? where { !.defined || $_ ~~ any ⏏@modifiers = 'command' }) {}; triple “a”
SmokeMachine m: my @modifiers; sub triple(Str:D $app1, Str:D $app2, Str:D $key where .chars == 1, Str $mod? where { !.defined || $_ ~~ any @modifiers = 'command' }) {}; triple “a”, “b” 01:31
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 3 or 4 arguments but got 2
in sub triple at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
SmokeMachine m: my @modifiers; sub triple(Str:D $app1, Str:D $app2, Str:D $key where .chars == 1, Str $mod? where { !.defined || $_ ~~ any @modifiers = 'command' }) {}; triple “a”, “b”, “c” 01:32
camelia ( no output )
SmokeMachine stevied#8273 ^^ 01:33
m: say “aaa” ~~ /“a”+ <!>/ 01:37
camelia Nil
SmokeMachine 6a4h8#5380: something like this ^^?
6a4h8 Ah ok I see thanks - I think yes - so is a `<!>` a shorthand for lookahead nothing? 01:38
Or it's its own thing 01:39
guifa <!> is an automatic fail 01:44
6a4h8 OK I see thanks 01:48
guifa (there's not much of a use for it, but it does exist technically) 01:52
stevied SmokeMachine, I solved it with parens 02:00
6a4h8 Do we have named recursion in Raku? 02:21
stevied Ugh. stumped again. Using Template::Classic module. All the tokens that are replaced are preceded by a space character. I've been staring at this module code for 1/2 hour and can't figure out how that's happening: 02:35
Ugh. stumped again. Using Template::Classic module. All the tokens that are replaced are preceded and followed by a space character. I've been staring at this module code for 1/2 hour and can't figure out how that's happening:
preceded and followed by a space character
ok, got it. Good exercise, but maddening. This is hard. Anyway, it turns out that `template` returns a sequence. So throwing a `.join` onto the return value fixes things up. No spaces before and after tokens. 05:46
[Coke] "named recursion" ? 14:40
if I read this right, then yes 14:41
m: sub fact($n) { $n>0 ?? $n*fact($n-1) !! 1 }; say fact(4) 14:46
camelia 24
[Coke] If you mean something more specific, please let me know
Nemokosch that was my first idea as well 15:00
but maybe it's meant to be understood in the context of regular expressions 15:01
stevied ok, joining directly in IRC instead of discord. test 15:36
seems to work. cool
`markdown test`
``` 15:37
one two
that doesn't work
anyway to add a short block of code or should I use pastebin?
lizmat pastebin / / whatever :-)
stevied ``` 15:41
fenced code test from discord
stevied so I'm trying to see if there is a bug in Classic::Template module. I'm not sure if there is or if it's just documented poorly. To flesh it out, I got this code: 15:46
it prints 3 dots 15:47
if I take away the `lazy` keyword, it output everything just fine. This is the same way the Classic::Template module behaves.
this lazy/take stuff is very confusing to me. anyone have any ideas? 15:48
the function is returning a Seq 15:51
stevied I guess sequences throw the values away after they are used? 15:55
so maybe that's the problem? I don't know. But I can't figure out a way to print out the Seq object.
lizmat A Seq does *not* preserve values, generally, unless you call ".cache" on it 16:01
stevied so how would I modify my code snippet to pull out one string from the blah() function? 16:02
it works if I take out the `lazy` keyword 16:04
but the module uses the `lazy` keyword
the Classic::Template
destroycomputers stevied, would it work for you if you use `eager $out` to get a reified sequence? 16:05
lizmat is still unsure what the problem, or the desired outcome is
"pull out one string" ? which one? the first ?? 16:06
destroycomputers I assume he's just trying to to print the sequence or collect it into a string 16:07
lizmat .say for blah("foo") ? 16:08
stevied ok, throwing a .list method on the sequence and then running that through a for loop allows me to output what is returned from the module with lazy 16:29
I'm not sure what to make of the Classic::Template module, though. Not sure if it's out-of-date or poorly documented or what it is trying to achieve with the lazy gather. It says something about using lazy to avoid a bug. I'm not sure that bug still exists. 16:32
lizmat stevied: it appears to be a project started about 2 years ago, but then basically abandoned 16:35
nowadays I use Cro::WebApp::Template for my templating needs 16:36
but that's usually in combination with a Cro server :-)
stevied I do want to learn Cro
stevied yes, that's what I gathered, too 16:37
stevied for right now, I just want to insert data into a template file whether it be HTML or not
figured I'd start with something simple, but this module does not look like a good choice. 16:39
dakkar stevied: ? 16:40
stevied thanks! I'll give that a look 16:43
thowe mustache is... kinda different. 16:53
stevied I don't mind different. Just want something that works without me spending 6 hours trying to figure out how to do somethign simple. 16:59
but the good thing that came out of Classic::Template is I learned some stuff. which is my primary objective. 17:00
thowe Cro is on the horizon for me too, I think. 17:03
stevied yeah, i want to find a replacement for my jekyll site
i want to manage the content with markdown files 17:04
i do that now with jekyll but I don't know anything about it and have no interest in it. since I'm learning raku, I'm thinking cro would be a good exercise. 17:05
thowe I played with Jekyll a little, but I found it wanting compared to Hugo 17:06
stevied these technologies are all kind of crazy. there are so many moving parts. it's insane. I miss uploading files with Dreamweaver. It was tedious but you at least knew all the moving parts. there weren't many. 17:07
thowe Honestly, I find myself going back to ttree more often than not when I just need a static site. Or I just build a Mojo app. 17:08
stevied is there a way I can determine what the signature of a function is from inside the function? 18:05
thowe the signature method, if you can call it on the subroutine object.. 18:16
I think. As long as you can access the is that bound to "self" so self.signature? 18:17
stevied what would the invocant be for that? 18:18
it can be done with &name_of_sub.signature 18:20
self doesn't seem to work
thowe yeah, seeing that.
stevied I guess I would need a way to get the name of current function
like caller for perl 18:21
but ok, anyway, .signature is good enough with the subroutine name hard-coded 18:22
thowe how do you use the channel interpreter?
camelia 18:23
m: my $sub1 = sub (Str $string) { say $sub1.signature; say $string }; $sub1('Hi');
camelia (Str $string)
thowe would that work for you? 18:24
lakmatiol &?BLOCK IIRC exists
And probably something similar for current function
stevied yeah
thowe &?ROUTINE 18:26
but if you have named the sub would not my method work? maybe you haven't/can't in your instance?
stevied yes, it works. I'm using it. 18:28
i'm mostly just experimenting with stuff and trying random things to see what's possible. 18:29
thowe I imagine some lambda functions or higher order stuff you may not have the sub name, so, yeah... 18:33
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 18:46
stevied wow, I just did something pretty cool with raku. no idea if it's useful but it's neat: 18:47
now I can easily create other subroutines for different templates 18:49
now, I'm using EVAL to do this magic which I'm guessing might be a little hacky with Raku. Is there a better way to do this?
lizmat stevied: not yet: that's one of the areas in which RakuAST will shine :-) 18:56
stevied sounds like something way above my skill level at the moment. but good to know! 18:59
lizmat basically, what it will allow you to do, is to build a program programmatically from objects, rather than from a piece of source code that you constructed 19:12
stevied huh, sounds wild
lakmatiol so like lisp and prolog, but with more syntactic constructors than cons and a functor respectively 19:48
stevied I want to pass the elements of an array to a sub as individual values. tried `render-list flat @values;` but still says I'm only passing one argument 19:49
`render-list` expects a bunch of scalar args
ok, got it. need `|@values` 19:51
ok, now I feel like I'm getting a tiny hang of raku after a week of reading stuff. one more pesky question. Here is my little program now: 19:54
Is there a way to change line 3 so ghat instead of retyping in all the names of the arguments, I can collect up the values automatically?
MasterDuke heh. this seems like you could use what i think you were asking about before. make the outer sub take a capture with a subsignature that matches what you have now and then just pass the capture to the inner sub 19:59
stevied ok, now I feel like I'm getting a tiny hang of raku after a week of reading stuff. one more pesky question. Here is my little program now:
Is there a way to change line 3 so that instead of retyping in all the names of the arguments, I can collect up the values automatically?
not quite sure I follow. sorry. 20:02
stevied m: my $sub1 = sub (Str $string) { say $sub1.signature; say $string }; $sub1('Hi'); 20:03
camelia (Str $string)
stevied that line?
MasterDuke m: sub a(|c(Int $b, Str $c)) { b(|c) }; sub b(Int $c, Str $d) { say "$c $d"; }; a(1, "bc") 20:04
camelia 1 bc
stevied ah, I think I see
lemme try
MasterDuke m: sub a(|c(Int $b, Str $c)) { b(|c) }; sub b(*@v) { .say for @v }; a(1, "bc"); a("de", 2)    # better matching your code 20:07
camelia 1
Type check failed in binding to parameter '$b'; expected Int but got Str ("de")
in sub a at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1

stevied ok, I I htink I have to change the print_template function now
MasterDuke output looks ugly in irc, but first call succeeded and second fails because the types don't match the capture's subsignature
stevied I need to destructure the new signature differently, I think 20:08
stevied this is meta programming I've never done anything like before. hard to get used to 20:12
ok, almost there. this works: 20:34
however, one little problem. If I do not pass the 4th argument which has a default, things break
how do I get the default argument into the |c capture?
MasterDuke that's interesting 21:09
stevied I posted this question on SO: 21:20
I'm thinking it might even be a bug
gfldex That's a bug.
stevied yeah? no shit. huh.
MasterDuke too bad, quoting jnthn from over in #moarvm where i just asked this. "Not possible; c is the original incoming argument capture, which you unpack; unpacking the capture does not, however, mutate it"
gfldex Do you want to file the issue?
stevied so MasterDuke, does that mean it can't be fixed? 21:22
gfldex Then Rakudo should warn.
Actually, that should be a compile time error. 21:24
sub frontend(|c ($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) ) {
sub backend($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) { say $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 }
sub frontend(|c ($arg1, $arg2, $arg3 = 42)) {
You have to mirror the default by hand.
MasterDuke not terribly cleanly
m: sub a(|c(Int $b, Str $c? = "bar")) { my $z = (|c).Array; $z.push("bar") if c.elems == 1; b(|$z) }; sub b(*@v) { .say for @v }; a(1, "bc"); a(2)
camelia 1
MasterDuke m: sub a(|c(Int $b, Str $c? = "bar")) { my $z = (|c).Array; $z.push($c) if c.elems == 1; b(|$z) }; sub b(*@v) { .say for @v }; a(1, "bc"); a(2)    # better 21:26
camelia 1
stevied i guess I'll have to pull the default out of the signature then 21:27
that's a pain
MasterDuke a little confusing because i have both `c` and `$c`, but that's just my poor choice of names
stevied ok. thanks 21:28
yeah, i have a hell of a time reading this code in one line
gfldex m:```
sub frontend(|c ($arg1, $arg2, $arg3?)) {
my \d = \(|c[0,1], c[2] // 42);
sub backend($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) {
say $arg1, $arg2, $arg3
This works but looks ugly to me.
stevied interesting 21:29
gfldex And you can't have intentionally undefined values in `$arg3`. 21:30
stevied what is the backslash doing?
gfldex \() is the Capture literal.
stevied ok, thanks. yeah, i read that before but was over my head at the time 21:31
MasterDuke re your comment about meta-programming, i don't do it much in what raku i write, but it got a lot less exotic after i used racket and closure for while. and then i realized meta-programming is just programming. metadata at one level is just data at the next level (e.g., who you're addressing in a letter might be considered meta-data at the level of 21:34
the letter, with the content being the body. but the whole letter is the content of the envelope, with the address being meta-data at that level)
stevied racket and closure? 21:41
MasterDuke *clozure
racket is a scheme and clozure is a lisp that runs on the jvm 21:42
stevied yeah, I get the concept of it. it just requires one extra layer of abstraction. 21:43
it seems like it's going to take a lot of practice to get good with it 21:45
lakmatiol clojure or clozure?
MasterDuke i...can't type (or see what i'm typing apparently). clojure
lakmatiol what really made metaprogramming click for me was prolog, being able to implement DCGs just by defining a top level predicate `-->` is just something else 21:47
stevied i'm just an intermediate programmer. playing around a little bit with moose introspection and AUTOLOAD is about as advanced as I get. 21:48
so Raku learning curve is pretty steep for me 21:49
and perl is the only language I am fairly familiar with.
i've dabbled with other languages, reading the first few chapters in a book about them and hacking on existing code bases, but that's about it. 21:51
i figure after about 6 months of intensive practice with Raku, I'll be able to tackle just about anything, though 21:52
gfldex I'm a Raku beginner since 2008. :) 21:53
stevied heh
yeah, I always feel like a beginner at everything. But a few years ago I made a concerted effort to really bore down and get more hard core.
gfldex Still learning new stuff. I didn't know that \\(|c) works. until today.
stevied well how the hell did you whip out a solution so fast? 21:55
lakmatiol I mostly use raku for the grammars and regexes. It is however an extremely vast language.
gfldex I'm good a guessing and even better at hiding the guesses that didn't work out. :D
That's how that looks in practice: 21:57
stevied yeah, the grammars things has me spooked. I'm pretty decent with regexes but I grammars takes things to a whole new level
yeah, the grammars things has me spooked. I'm pretty decent with regexes but grammars takes things to a whole new level 21:58
and it's one thing to read about these things in a book where they seem to make perfect sense, but then to apply them and to know when to apply them is a whole different thing 21:59 made your suggestion an answer @gfldex#8222 : 22:01
Nemokosch clojure btw 22:04
MasterDuke m: sub a(|c(Int $d, Str $e? = "bar")) { my $z = (|c).Array; $z.push($e) if c.elems == &?ROUTINE.signature.params[0].sub_signature.count - 1; b(|$z) }; sub b(*@v) { .say for @v }; a(99, "bc"); a(222) 22:11
camelia 99
stevied m: say 'hi'; 22:54
camelia hi
stevied m: say 'from discord'; 22:55