leobm can i simulate something like typeclasses in raku? 17:33
So the type should have a role (e.g. Countable) and then
use a very specific implementation for it based on this role and the type
role Countable is export {
proto sub count(--> Int) is pure {*}
my $s = "dsad" but Countable;
say $s.count(); ## should call an implementation for Str
my @a = <a b c> but Countable;
say @a.count() ## should call an implementation for Array;
lizmat m: role Foo { method bar { ... } }; class Baz does Foo { } 17:34
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Method 'bar' must be implemented by Baz because it is required by roles: Foo.
at <tmp>:1
leobm maybe something similar to implicit-conversions in scala? But with raku roles.... 17:35
I came across this question because I was looking at the following module: modules.raku.org/dist/Colorizable:...le.rakumod 17:39
But there is the implementation in the role itself (for Str)
But what if I want to make e.g. another type Colorizable?
i have seen that i can give parameters to the role itself. 17:40
role Countable[::T] is export {
proto sub count(--> Int) is pure {*}
Can I do something with this?
lizmat the ::T is a very specific one 17:41
it's more general
m: role max-value[$max = Inf] { ... }
camelia ( no output )
lizmat so you can have default values for the parameters you''re passing 17:42
the ::T case is really if you want to specify types to which you want to constrain variables later