kueppo Morning, I've a problem with the '^' twigil, idk how the order btw these positional parameters works and how to name them 10:24
Like this example from the rakudoc
my @powers-of-three = 1,3,9…100;
say reduce { $^b - $^a }, 0, |@powers-of-three;
after reading through it I still don't understand 10:25
thanks in advance 10:26
lizmat m: say (* / *)(4,2) # kueppo: do you understand that? 10:29
camelia 2
lizmat m: say (* / *)(6,2) # perhaps better 10:30
camelia 3
lizmat m: say (-> $a, $b { $a / $b })(6,2)
camelia 3
lizmat m: say ({ $^a / $^b })(6,2)
camelia 3
lizmat m: say ({ $^b / $^a })(6,2) 10:31
camelia 0.333333
Nemokosch Are the variable names magic names, then? 10:52
lizmat nope 10:59
m: say (-> $foo, $bar{ $foo / $bar })(6,2) 11:00
camelia ===SORRY!===
Shape declaration is not yet implemented; please use whitespace if you meant something else
at <tmp>:1
------> say (-> $foo, $bar⏏{ $foo / $bar })(6,2)
Variable '$bar' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if…
lizmat m: say (-> $foo, $bar { $foo / $bar })(6,2)
camelia 3
lizmat m: say ({ $^bar / $^foo })(6,2)
camelia 3
lizmat because "bar" is alphabetically before "foo" 11:01
m: say ({ $^foo / $^bar })(6,2)
camelia 0.333333
lizmat m: say (-> $bar, $foo { $foo / $bar })(6,2)
camelia 0.333333
Nemokosch This is a point block though 11:16
lizmat point blocks are just syntactic sugar to create a block 11:18
they're all Callables
it's just that WhateverCodes such as |* + 3" are a bit simpler blocks, because they can never have phasers 11:19
* + 3
there is internally no difference between the Callable part of a sub / method / pointy block / block of an if / elsif / for / loop etc. 11:20
it's just that subs have a name, and that blocks can have phasers 11:21
Nemokosch That's besides the point (pun not intended) 12:01
lizmat ok, then what is the point ? 12:02
Nemokosch How does the compiler know which value is $^a and which is $^b
lizmat variables of the form $^foo *generate* the signature of the block in which they occur 12:03
m: -> $foo { $^bar }
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Placeholder variable '$^bar' cannot override existing signature
at <tmp>:1
------> <BOL>⏏-> $foo { $^bar }
lizmat m: dd ({ $^bar }).signature
camelia :($bar)
lizmat m: dd ({ $^foo + $^bar }).signature 12:04
camelia :($bar, $foo)
lizmat the compiler alphabetically sorts the names to create the signature
Nemokosch > alphabetically sorts the names 12:16
kueppo trying to learn this ':' twigil 17:32
{ $:add; $add.say } :add<3>
for the above snippet, raku say "You can't adverb { $:add; $add.say }"
but this works and I would like to know why
{ $:add; $add.say }() :add<3>
and also the meaning of the error message 17:33
Nemokosch are you sure you meant $:add and not :$add? 17:41
oh no, actually $: exists, didn't know it 17:43
my best guess would be that it's a parsing problem
try :3add instead of :add<3> 17:44
kueppo I meant to use add => 3
I was trying to declare $:variable 17:45
I'm passing a named parameter to the block but it doesn't work without this '()' and as you said it might be a parsing problem :] 17:47
Nemokosch :3add actually means add => 3 17:48
kueppo ah okay :] 17:49
Nemokosch this is a shorthand when the value is a number 17:58
probably inspired by units of measure or something
kueppo very cool 18:00
Nemokosch it would still be good to know why the supposedly equivalent forms don't seem to work 18:02
kueppo would also like to know why there's no comma after (4, 5) is to a norm for named parameters? 18:10
say { $:add ?? $^a + $^b !! $^a - $^b }( 4, 5 ) :!add
*is it a norm ....
infact, I mean why is :!add even outside (4, 5)? it's also a parameter 18:13
Nemokosch asking the right questions, my man, I have no clue 18:15
this isn't the first structure I've heard of that takes parameters outside of the parens
the feed operator also has this habit 18:16
kueppo feed operator? some of these names are confusing, what is it if I may ask? 18:23
kueppo okay found it 18:24
Morfent `CALL-ME` has adverbs 18:27
like `:k` in `@xs[*]:k`
m:``` 18:29
say (1,2,3)[*, :k] # should be equally valid
Nemokosch why "method Int"? 18:31
Morfent it's being interpreted as a positional position instead of a named argument
say (1,2,3)[|\(*, :k)] # OK
m:``` 18:33
say (1,2,3)[*]:k # Maybe not
anyway, point i'm trying to make is `CALL-ME` and the various kinds of operators all support this syntax 18:37
anyway, point i'm trying to make is `CALL-ME` and the various kinds of operators all support the adverb syntax
though they're not strictly identical 18:39
Nemokosch This is sort of crazy territory 19:15
{ $:add; $add.say }() :3add 19:16
is this "adverb syntax" or not?
Ardal Hello!! Does zef have a command to automate scaffolding modules as described here (docs.raku.org/language/modules#Pre...he_module) ?
In other words, does zef have anything like `npm init` / `cargo new`
Hello!! Does zef have a command to automate scaffolding modules as described here (docs.raku.org/language/modules#Pre...he_module) ?
In other words, does zef have anything like `npm init` / `cargo new`?
lizmat no, but App::Mi6 does 19:20
which is what I use :-)
Morfent that's `CALL-ME`, so yes 19:25
Nemokosch hmmm 19:26
how does this relate to the fact that the same thing didn't work with :add{3} ? 19:27
Morfent this? `{ $:add; $add.say } :add<3>` 19:29
`:add{3}` would pass a block returning `3` 19:31
Nemokosch yuck 19:33
okay... so it seems like both `{ $:add; $add.say }(:add<3>)` and `{ $:add; $add.say }() :add<3>` work 19:35
but it won't work without the parens 19:37