This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
jaguart noob question - I want to subclass Hash and tweak the way that .keys.sort work - can't figure out how to get started 14:28
tried: class MyHash is Hash {}; my %h = :a(1), :b(2), :c(3) ); dd %h # but no joy... 14:30
Kaiepi you could make `keys` return a subtype of `Seq` with the appropriate `sort` behaviour if you pass an `Iterator` to `new`. this is how `Iterable`-ish methods are generally implemented 14:31
you could make `keys` return a subtype of `Seq` with the appropriate `sort` behaviour if you pass an `Iterator` to `new`. `Iterator` is how `Iterable`-ish methods are generally implemented in core 14:32
you could make `keys` return a subtype of `Seq` with the appropriate `sort` behaviour if you pass an `Iterator` to `new`. this is how `Iterable`-ish methods are generally implemented in core
jaguart fab thanks - will start looking there 14:33
lizmat jaguart: perhaps also applicable: 17:23
jaguart :lizmat++ thanks - finding my way. Is there a preferred pastbin for this channel 17:37
lizmat nope, there isn't. Personally, I use 17:38
jaguart this is where I'm going: 17:40
the META6 class is a pain because of JSON key ordering... 17:41
I'm thinking that by overriding the %h.sort method, we can get the META6 JSON in a reasonable order...
lizmat I see 17:42
one note: I guess the %w hash is immutalble, right ?
my constant %w = ... 17:43
jaguart yeah - a const really
lizmat will make it a Map at compile time
m: dd my constant %h = a => 42 17:44
camelia :a(42)
lizmat m: dd my constant %h = a => 42, b => 666
jaguart Nice thanks. This is a suggestion for 17:48
though I cant help but wonder id Hash::Ordered might also be a help 18:07
lizmat jaguart: 18:18
jaguart that would be awesome :) 18:19
I see that stowick already cascaded an issue to OrderedHash too - but the JSON::Fast is the ultimate destination of all roads :) 18:20
lizmat the actual code change is minimal: documentation was more work :-)
jaguart There is a second call to associative.sort around line 260... 18:24
I find updating the docs a good chore though - makes me think twice about the changes :) 18:26
I havent fogotten that I was going to show you my first PHP::Tiny module - it's just that I'm not really sure the code is good enough. 18:27
lizmat jaguart++ good catch! 18:28
fix pushed 18:30
jaguart you are fast - I've only half finished my cuppa - and you've tied the issue with a bow! 18:32
lizmat yy down x 15 p up dd 18:35
that was it :-)
jaguart You know that you have made the entire ecosystem more beautiful - on behalf of every human that reads their META6.json but uses the META6 class to generate/maintain it, I thank you :) 18:36
lizmat you're welcome :-) 18:37
stevied 18:57