This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
jaguart oh maybe I'm confused because .WHO.gist shows more meaningful than .WHO.raku 00:04
ok - so use MyModule; MyModule.WHO returns the Modules Stash aka MyModule:: which looks like its { :MyClassOne<MyModule::MyClassOne>, ... } ie pairs of local name -> fullname 00:19
Nemokosch stash = symbol table hash 00:20
jaguart MyClass.WHO returns the class stash - but can't see how I can get to the Module from the Class
I also don't understand the diff between package and module :( 00:22
Do you put your classes in packages and your subs in Modules? 00:23
Nemokosch all I know, I know from this mega class 00:24
I watched it within the last week 00:25
I'm trying to look up that part but the point was that packages are basically a lower-level construct in Raku, they back up modules as well 00:26
it also answered one of my former questions (how to call an inherited method) on the way 00:28
jaguart ok, so maybe its as simple as: package is a namespace, module is a namespace with ver and auth, class has ver and auth but is not a namespace -> so put it in a package or a module 00:29
Nemokosch Stash examples start around 2:06:.. by the way 00:30
jaguart thanks
Nemokosch 2:16:48 "Raku actually has two similar concepts, it has packages and it has modules..." 00:40
"package just declares the namespace (...) module inherits from the package, it does a little bit more"
00:41 razetime joined
jaguart TIL Foo:: ===> great video, added to favs 00:45
00:58 RTB47 joined 00:59 RTB47 left
deoac Given the Str "MyClass<2446066483976>", is it possible to retrieve the actual class object? 01:05
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jaguart Do you mean kind of like get the object at a memory location? 02:10
You might be able to walk through all the things in your namespace and see if any of their .WHICH matches your ObjAt.Str? 02:11
m: say ::.keys 02:13
camelia ($_ $! $=pod GLOBALish $=finish ::?PACKAGE EXPORT !UNIT_MARKER $?PACKAGE $/ $¢)
jaguart m: my $a='a'; my $; say ::.pairs.grep({ .key ~~ /^^ \$ / and .value.DEFINITE }).map({ .key ~ ' -> ' ~.value.WHICH }); 02:41
camelia ($/ -> Match|6104765595648 $=pod -> Array|6104780987304 $a -> Str|a $b -> Hash|6104898989504)
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jaguart Is there a way to instantiate a class named withing a string without EVAL? 03:13
m: use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL;class C {}; my $cl = 'C'; my $c = EVAL "$"; say $c.WHAT
camelia (C)
jaguart but without the EVAL?
deoac Hmmm. I think I'll refactor than tinker with that magic.  Thank you. 03:38
`cat foo.txt | ./my-prog.raku` 03:43
How do I write the Signature of MAIN to capture the text of foo.txt?
gfldex m: class C {}; my $cl = 'C'; my $c = ::{$cl}.new(); say $c.WHAT; 04:15
camelia (C)
gfldex jaguart: ^^^
deoac: see:$*ARGFILES 04:17
05:08 Heptite left 05:25 deoac left
Nemokosch How are these beginner questions, by the way? 😄 10:40
13:31 NemokoschKiwi joined
chicken ```pl 14:12
grammar Bruh {
rule TOP {
^^ <expression>* $$
rule expression {
[<number> | <string>]
token number {
token string {
say Bruh.parse("3 f")
``` how can i make this not return the expression but only the children <number> / <string>
Nemokosch almost sure the answer will be action class and/or just decomposing the match object by hand 14:13
but what do you want to be returned, exactly?
chicken like this ```pl 14:14
「3 f」
number => 「3」
string => 「f」
``` currently it's like this ```pl
「3 f」
expression => 「3 」
number => 「3」
expression => 「f」
string => 「f」
Nemokosch hmmm 14:25
aha! 14:31
parse returns Match objects
Bruh.parse("3 f")<expression> returns an Array of all matches captured inside <expression> named captures 14:42
If you want to do something significantly more complex, consider using Action objects: 14:44
15:37 Heptite joined
falsifian Can I have an @-sigiled variable that's both immutable and has a type? "my Int @x := (1, 2, 3);" fails because List isn't a subclass of Positional[Int]. 16:11
m: my Int @x := (1, 2, 3);
camelia Type check failed in binding; expected Positional[Int] but got List ((1, 2, 3))
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
falsifian I guess I could make my own subclass of Positional[Int], but I'm wondering if I'm missing something built-in. 16:12
Nemokosch long story short: typed @-sigilled variables are a constant headache
probably a where clause is easier to get working 16:13
where *.all ~~ Int, or something
falsifian I'm trying to use where with my @... but it looks like the where clause is applied to the elements. 16:17
m: my @x where * ~~ Int = 1, 2, 3;
camelia ( no output )
falsifian m: my @x where * ~~ Int := 1, 2, 3;
camelia Type check failed in binding; expected Positional[<anon>] but got List ((1, 2, 3))
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Nemokosch the code examples don't support the statement?
anyway, you do need to allow conversion from List to something else 16:19
since List doesn't know element types 16:20
falsifian What code examples do you mean?
m: my $x where { $_.all ~~ Int } := (1, 2, 3); 16:21
camelia ( no output )
falsifian That seems to work, at least.
Nemokosch for me it doesn't but I'm not going to complain on someone else's behalf 😄 16:37
falsifian In practice I'll probably just drop the type in favour of the immutability, unless the type check is especially helpful. my @x := .... I'm still figuring out when I want to use what features. 16:43
Nemokosch oh I misread it, you wrote my $x, not my @x 16:46
17:15 razetime left 18:36 NemokoschKiwi left
chicken im trying to call a grammar.parse from inside a class method but im getting `Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value 19:35
lizmat that could be anything... 19:43
can you golf the issue and provide a full --ll-exception backtrace ?
in a gist?
chicken ok here is the gist 19:52
19:55 deoac joined here is the --ll-exception 19:56
lizmat yeah, ok, thanks 19:57
ok, not seeing a quick fix 19:59
and I'm going to be in a meeting in a minute
will check again when done
deoac ~% cat deleteme.raku | ./deleteme.raku 20:04
  ./deleteme.raku <some-text>
How can I get that to work? deleteme.raku expects a string, not a filename. 20:05
chicken ./delete `cat bruh`
./delete $(cat bruh) 20:06
do edits show up?
Nemokosch I think they are resent 20:10
chicken ./delete "$(cat bruh)" 20:35
lizmat chicken: you need to make $/ writable in method TOP: 20:59
method TOP($/ is copy) {
chicken huh ok 22:02
xkevio what kind of parser do raku grammars use when calling `parse`? is it LL? 22:05
what kind of parser does raku grammars use when calling `parse`? is it LL?
what kind of parser does a raku grammar use when calling `parse`? is it LL?
Nemokosch PEG, from what I know
xkevio ah i see 22:06
ok follow up question, i tried translating a simple context free grammar as a raku grammar and when trying to parse a word that has a symbol in it that is not at all contained in the grammar, raku enters an endless loop but not when that symbol is at the end of the word 22:07
this grammar
i translated like that 22:08
now ofc "c" isnt part of that but i dont get `Nil`, ive traced through it with `Grammar::Debugger` and i do understand why it recurses but is this just an example of PEGs being limited context free grammars?
guifa Do you have a copy of either the original grammar or your raku grammar and a test parse string you're using? 22:13
Nemokosch already posted, except IRC is being IRC 22:15
xkevio oh sorry, idk how the irc bridge handles discord image uploads 22:16
guifa So the reason that it hangs is that you are allowing for zero-width progression 22:24
Regardless whether it tries to match <A><B> or <B><C>, it will end up in the same place: <A> will try to match 'a' fail and then <B> anyways. Thn it tries to match 'b' and that's a no go so it goes to <C>, tries to match 'a', no go, and then tries to go with <A> again. 22:28
xkevio yes i understand that. so how do i not allow zero-width progression? something like negative lookaround? i am sorry, im not too knowledgable on those specific terms 22:34
guifa Wikipedia has a small discussion on it. 22:45
In your case, I'd just check that everything is <[ab]>
token valid { ^ [a | b]+ $ }; token TOP { <valid> && [ <A><B> | <B><C> ] } 22:47
xkevio i see thank you! i will read up on that, knew it had something to do with but didnt know how to express that 22:51
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