This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
02:44 MasterDuke joined
rcmlz The important part of the error is: [OpenSSL] Failed to open file C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\.zef\1714555550.24864\PathTools%3Aver%3C0.2.0%3E%3Aauth%3Cgithub%3Augexe%3E.tar.gz\Raku-PathTools-main\.precomp\A4EDF57CD455BD949E82516A078B78499417F7F4\95\9536DA79A6A6E91751DC0FB9841C36F546318564.repo-id.1ZW01GTNVLGG2HTHOZFXF6PE5.tmp: No such file or directory 05:27
And that is clearly more than 260 chars of a path. 05:29
m: say ‘C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp.zef\1714555550.24864\PathTools%3Aver%3C0.2.0%3E%3Aauth%3Cgithub%3Augexe%3E.tar.gz\Raku-PathTools-main.precomp\A4EDF57CD455BD949E82516A078B78499417F7F4\95\9536DA79A6A6E91751DC0FB9841C36F546318564.repo-id.1ZW01GTNVLGG2HTHOZFXF6PE5.tmp’.chars 05:33
Raku eval 267
rcmlz I suppose, using Linux or MacOS is the easiest and quickest fix to windows-max-path-length problems. 05:35
As all tools involved in the build process of a package need to be long-path-aware. 05:42
06:15 MasterDuke left
and users need to opt-in by tweaking the registry. 06:26
if Windows is used. 06:27
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librasteve here the fix PR to correct the documents - thanks for pointing this out Actually this issue arose in the rakuguide examples, not raku docs Here's the fix PR 12:03
the example should be use Digest::MD5; my $password = "password123"; my $hashed-password = md5( $password ); say $hashed-password; 12:04
lizmat librasteve: "whic" ? 12:05
librasteve lizmat: huh? 12:06
lizmat typo in the PR
librasteve oh - you want me to create a new PR? 12:08
lizmat or push to the current one?
librasteve hgopefully i did that right (didn't know you could push to a PR) 12:11
lizmat merged :-) 12:12
librasteve phew! 12:13
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