This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
01:35 lizmat_ joined 01:38 lizmat left 02:14 MasterDuke joined 03:00 DarthGandalf left 07:39 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined 08:08 dakkar joined 08:54 DarthGandalf joined 09:59 Manifest0 joined 10:50 hudo joined 12:45 tea3po joined 12:48 teatwo left 14:47 soverysour joined 14:48 soverysour left, soverysour joined
ay0ks Hello, could you help me to write QAST nodes to use a module? I really couldn't find any examples for that perl make # use Pretty::Debug; :op('bind'), :name('$*LOGGER'), :scope('lexical'), :decl('var') ), :value('replace this') ), # call ), ); 15:05
The assignment works but I need to assign an initialized class to it
Doing :value( ) gives an error 15:06
librasteve sorry - I have no experience in using RakuAST - hopefully others can help, but as lizmat mentioned, this is at the raw bleeding edge - so it maybe that there is no real way to answer this outside of descending into the rakudo source code 15:32
lizmat ayoks at this point in time: what librasteve said 15:48
ab5tract wonders what a Slang::Roman ported to Slangify would look like 15:50
librasteve "depends": [ "Slangify:ver<0.0.1+>:auth<zef:lizmat>" ], 15:51
^^ err I thought it was implemented on Slagify already, but maybe that's wrong 15:52
lizmat Last line in the code of Slang::Roman: use Slangify Grammar, Actions;
librasteve lizmat: I am thinking about writing a slang using Slangify ... would Slang::Roman be a good starting point to adapt? if not, is there one you can suggest? 15:55
lizmat I guess any of the Slang:: modules that use Slangify could be inspiration, depending on what you want to do 15:56
librasteve great - I see that Slangify has 6 reverse dependencies, including Slang::Roman - so I can ape that then (I was thrown off by ab5tract's remark ^^) 16:00
ab5tract Huh… Slang::Roman uses QAST.. I would have expected Slangify to be above and beyond that requirement 16:04
Sorry for the misdirection librasteve
lizmat Slang::Roman uses QAST only when using the legacy grammar, in the Raku grammar it uses RakuAST 16:06
the former is basically a leftover from the original implementation by DrForr
the late DrFor have to say :-( 16:07
ab5tract I miss him 16:24
librasteve ah - that explains ... 16:40
16:42 dakkar left
lizmat # for the people who don't know about DrForr 17:43
20:45 hankache joined 20:47 hankache left 21:01 soverysour left 23:43 Manifest0 left