This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
00:53 teatwo left 00:54 teatwo joined 01:47 teatwo left, teatwo joined 05:38 discord-raku-bot left 05:39 discord-raku-bot joined 08:07 dakkar joined 10:17 Chanakan left 13:05 Chanakan joined
librasteve @pelevesque - sorry for jacking up the detail level ... next time we should find somewhere more suitable for this kind of discussion 13:53
and thanks for a thought provoking question!
14:12 lizmat left 14:15 lizmat joined
@gfldex I really like 2 of your last 3 answers (I think finding a Whatever in the wild would be a head scratcher tho') ... based on the fair point that @pelevesque made, I will raise a document issue to include one of these examples. 14:40
here goes ... ... feel free to improve 14:41
16:34 dakkar left
pelevesque @pelevesque Thanks all. 17:23
@librasteve: I don't get: constant NaA =; # Not an Array 17:31
librasteve Yes - that's right. The constant declarator binds a name to an object. So, in the first case, we get a new Array and bind it to NaA. The key to the mystery is that NaA is a particular Array (ie. it's the Array stored at a particular memory location) which can be checked by going NaA.WHICH... 17:55
m: constant NaA =; say NaA.WHICH;
Raku eval Array|5299052779024
librasteve So, now when we test with =:= (the 'Container Identity Comparison Operator)', we are checking if the thing inside the sub body is the identical same Array as the default Array which we have named NaA and not any other Array - even an Empty one - that was passed in as an argument. [That's why I loke to hang out with the folks in the raku community ... they 18:00
are soooo smart!]
oh, and using an (or for this means that it is the right type if a check is done later 18:17
scullucs Cool solution. Maybe the name "NaA" is a bit misleading, I'd go for something like "DfltA", YMMV. 19:33
pelevesque Ah, ya, really nice. I agree with @lucs that NaA and NaH as names are a big misleading. Not sure what DfltA is though. 19:40
Maybe? constant refA = # reference Array constant refH = # reference Hash 19:41
librasteve @pelevesque happy to ping pong ideas here on Discord - don't forget to add your thoughts to the docs issue I opened also 19:42
scullucs (Maybe I should have spelled out "DefaultA".) 19:43
pelevesque Ok, I'll think about it more and might add a comment in the docs on github if I come up with a stronger idea.
librasteve btw I was thinking: constant NaA = []; # Not an Array constant NaH = {}; # Not an Hash 19:45
pelevesque maybe dummyA?
The problem I have with NaA is that you are assigning an array to it... It makes my tiny brain go ouch. Like constant NaN = 42; I see what you want to do though. 19:46
librasteve good point
pelevesque Your solution is uber elegant though. I really like it. 19:51
Crips and clean. No fluff.
librasteve (kudos to @gfldex , not me)
pelevesque Electronic spiritual karma point dispatched to @gfldex. Thanks! 19:52
librasteve how about: constant ArrayAt = []; # a specific Array constant HashAt = {}; # a specific Hash 20:08
pelevesque Much better. Formally correct. 21:01
librasteve I have edited my docs issue accordingly
pelevesque Thanks for doing all this great work. 21:02
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