This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
01:55 teatime left, teatime joined 03:41 skyesoss left 06:34 Chanakan left 06:38 Chanakan joined 07:42 Chanakan left 07:47 Chanakan joined 14:59 ACfromTX left 15:14 ACfromTX joined 16:39 skyesoss joined
thowe What's the best way to pass a list as an argument and have it treated as a list of arguments and not one argument? Using an array works, but now I'm curious what the syntax would be to just pass a list object. 20:34
I guess just adding ".list" works... nm 20:39
21:16 ACfromTX left
antononcube @thowe I think you looking for the so called "flattened slurpy." 21:18
@thowe ... or the "single argument slurpy."
thowe perhaps... 21:20
I was passing a command line to 21:21
trying to figure out a few proof of concept things for sort of a bespoke fail2ban replacement 21:34
I would want to fire up a bunch of these at the same time... Generate the monitoring/parsing objects from a set of configs. 21:37
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