This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
06:22 CIAvash joined
briandouglas_71953 Go ahead, I intend to package it as a module. 07:25
07:56 CIAvash left 09:59 jaguart joined, jaguart left 11:23 habere-et-disper joined 11:48 habere-et-disper left 12:35 CIAvash joined 13:11 CIAvash left 15:04 CIAvash joined 16:06 CIAvash left
lucs Is there a shortcut to declare an enum that holds geometrically increasing values, (1, 2, 4, 8, ...) for example? 16:48
Looking for a shortcut for something like enum Baz (a => 1, b => 2, c => 4, ...), but during development, I may want to change the order of the letters (for readability/understanding), and if I could avoid having fix the associated number, that would be great. 17:04
MasterDuke m: enum A (("a".."d") Z=> (1, 2, 4 ... *)); say d.value  # lucs 18:33
camelia 8
lucs MasterDuke: Aha, beautiful. Thanks. 19:00
briandouglas_71953 Can I make multiple files under a module? For example can multiple files use unit module MyModule;? Use case is to have classes in seperate files. So ClassA.raku and ClassB.raku are both in unit moduls MyModule and can be accessed like so 20:36
roguerakudev @briandouglas_71953 you can do two separate files and unit class MyModule::ClassA and unit class MyModule::ClassB respectively if you want them referenced like MyModule::ClassA/B 21:59
you'd want both files to live in a MyModule directory and be named as you said, although the convention for module files is .rakumod rather than just .raku although the latter will work fine 22:00
I've found that generally one has to declare things in the same way you ultimately want them referenced, so take this for example unit module Foo; class Bar { ... } 22:02
you'd import that with use Foo::Bar but then use it with just Bar
briandouglas_71953 Thanks for this. How would I import classes with in the same module. So both ClassA and ClassB are in unit module MyModule. Now I want to use ClassA inside ClassB? Currently if I try to do MyModule::ClassA it isn't found. 22:11
All files are located in the same directory lib. 22:12
Actually I think I've got it. I have a NotFoundException.rakumod with a NotFoundException class. I can just write use NotFoundException; in side the lib and it works... 22:34
Nah, doesn't work. Specifically I can't understand why these two imports are not found: 22:56