08:05 dakkar joined
m_m3045 Does anyone have any success in building raku on RB3? 08:24
08:46 teatime joined
winfredraj hello all, which packages do you use for plotting? 09:37
Gnuplot examples are not seeming to work
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/09/23/2024-...with-raku/ 11:58
ab5tract winfredaj: I seem to recall antononcube releasing some plotting module recently 13:22
Might be worth backtracking through some of the weeklies (
antononcube @winfredraj > hello all, which packages do you use for plotting? I use mainly these two packages: "JavaScripdt::D3" and "JavaScripdt::Google::Charts". Both generate JavaScript code for plots that can be rendered in Jupyter notebooks or HTML files. 13:40
"JavaScripdt::D3" has more "features" it supports "Raku style" plot specifications. 13:41
"JavaScripdt::Google::Charts" is more rigid -- it interfaces to the pre-canned graphics routines of "GoogleCharts" and follows its style for plot routines names and arguments. 13:43
See the section "Design and philosophy" here : raku.land/zef:antononcube/JavaScri...le::Charts
winfredraj ill have to have a look in it 13:44
antononcube My latest 6 Raku videos feature those packages: www.youtube.com/@AAA4prediction/videos 13:45
winfredraj Thanks Sir 13:46
Im installing JavaScripdt::D3 as we im typing
antononcube One of the problems with "JavaScripdt::D3" is that Jupyter can get "lazy" to render its code. Often, I have to close-&-reopen the notebooks a few times to get them rendered. Also, "JavaScripdt::D3" works in Jupyter notebooks run with VS Code; since ≈ 1 year ago its code does render in "the browser." (Because of the "upgrade" or changes in the main Jupyter framework.) 13:50
Making plots in standalone HTML files works fine, though. 13:51
@winfredraj I am not sure has anyone tried those on Windows. 1) Do you use VS Code ? 2) Do you have "Jupyter::Kernel" or "Jupyter::Chatbook" installed? 14:02
winfredraj I usually work in WSL 14:06
But I also started again directly in Windows a few days ago, because Comma back in play 14:08
I also program a lot in Android/Termux when I travelling
And I travel a lot as I am a service engineer 14:09
antononcube Ok. Do you use Raku in any REPL-like environment? (Again, like Jupyter.) 14:11
winfredraj No, not really 14:12
I would like to as it would help in presenting data analysis to customers and colleagues
antononcube Ok, these two videos show that: 1) "Geographics data in Raku demo", www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rkk_MeqLj_k , (37 min) 2) "Exploratory Data Analysis with Raku", www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCnjMVSfT8w , (23 min) 14:15
16:34 dakkar left
_grenzo @librasteve re: "Can Raku replace PHP" - This is horrible and I love it. 16:52
simona6822 hello i have a question! i'm working on a project for school and i need to make a poster with the most important updates for all relevant programming languages 17:33
so my question is: what are the most important updates of raku?
for now i have: 2020 Raku 2020 2021 Raku 2021 2022 Raku 2022 2023 Raku 2023 2024 Raku 2024 but i can't really decide which ones are the most important 17:34
librasteve I had kinda hoped that this would NOT be picked up by the raku weekly due to the level of shame in writing something like this - however, my sense of -Ofun is somehow tickled and your [+|-]ve feedback has made me post it to HN - so that's now on you 17:57