winfredraj hello all, I am trying some examples for a TCP server and I am trying to print the raw buffer but the whole buffer is not shown when say($buf) is used 04:33
what else will show the whole buffer?
dd shows things better 04:35
07:59 dakkar joined
antononcube @winfredraj Maybe converting the content $bug would produce better results? 12:38
winfredraj or will I be able to receive it with encoding 12:42
$buf = $conn.recv(:bin) is what is in the example
it would be nicer if I can get that in utf8, then I can use the Raku grammar magic to full use 12:43
I am able to receive it as utf8 in Dlang but I will have to use the PEGGED module there - but after getting used to Raku grammars it is very difficult to use anything else 12:44
it sort of spoils you 12:45
antononcube Here is link of what I found to work for images (similar to what you wrote above):
winfredraj thank you sir, let me look it up
multi method new( :$localhost, :$localport, :$family = PF_INET, :$listen, :$encoding = 'utf-8', :$nl-in = "\r\n", --> IO::Socket::INET:D) 13:27
does this mean that utf8 is the default encoding in this method?
antononcube Most likely. This can be verified with a suitable test. 13:29
lizmat m: sub a(:$encoding = "foo") { say $encoding }; a
camelia foo 13:30
winfredraj thanks 13:32
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wow, I didnt know that you can pass a function to an WHERE clause to sanitize an argument, but seems to work - does it lead to performance problems? 16:32
I am asking because I remember Jonathon talking about (lot of) WHERE clauses causing things to slow down with multiple dispatch 16:33
dont want to go overboard and sprinkle too much of those
m: sub ten(){return 10};sub test(Int $a where ten() < * <= 20, Int $b where * >20){say "OK: $a $b";};test(15,30) 16:35
Raku eval OK: 15 30
16:35 dakkar left
winfredraj m: sub ten(){return 10};sub test(Int $a where ten() < * <= 20, Int $b where * >20){say "OK: $a $b";};test(9,30) 16:36
Raku eval Exit code: 1 Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '$a'; expected anonymous constraint to be met but got Int (9) in sub test at main.raku line 1 in block <unit> at main.raku line 1
antononcube I think that particular part of multiple dispatch was optimized. 16:39
winfredraj m: my $a = Buf[uint8].new(0xA2,0xB6);$a.decode('UTF-8') 18:22
Raku eval Exit code: 1 Malformed UTF-8 at line 1 col 1 in block <unit> at main.raku line 1
winfredraj Hello, how can use this particular exception in a CATCH block so that I can catch this exception accurately 18:23
I mean, how can I find out what sort of a exception it is
so that I can use a given to catch just this exception 18:26
m: {my $a = Buf[uint8].new(0xA2,0xB6);$a.decode('UTF-8')}; CATCH {default {.WHAT.say;}} 18:32
Raku eval (AdHoc)
antononcube @winfredraj I think you already getting what you are looking for. Look into the structure of the failure object. 19:14
For example, what you see with CATCH {default {.raku.say;} ?
winfredraj ja, got it thanks 19:15
antononcube I think there is payload attribute.
winfredraj @antononcube - are not all arguments passed as Value in Raku? 19:16
or do we have any exceptions there?
for example, for Buf[uint8] etc
antononcube Yes, by value, but you can use rw. 19:17
sub modify-reference($x is rw) { $x = 10; } 19:18
Hmm... Buf[uint8] is a concretization of a generic class... 19:19
You can also use rw to class attributes. 19:22 19:23
winfredraj say $buf; say is_it_malformed($buf); say "After:"; say $buf;
the first say shows me the contents, but the 2nd say does not
sorry -let me do a few more checks 19:25
maybe I was wrong, sorry
librasteve hi arundel sounds great … maybe you can make an issue or pr over there and provides some basic examples and i can chime in?? 19:31
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