tbrowder ah, @jnthn's OO::Monitors ... 00:32
00:41 rakufan1 left
tbrowder eureka, it worked!! 01:07
antononcube "Monitorika!", maybe?!
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lucs Is there an operator or routine that can give me the quotient and remainder of integer division? 05:48
my ($quot, $rest) = Foo(13, 5) # Would give (2, 3). 05:49
(I can use div and mod, I'm just lazy.) 05:53
Oh: 06:07
m: sub infix:<dm>(Int $num, Int $div) { return ($num div $div, $num mod $div) }; say 13 dm 5
camelia (2 3)
lucs (but for some reason it kept failing in the REPL)
09:14 Manifest0 joined
nahita3882 lucs: perhaps docs.raku.org/type/Int#method_polymod 09:29
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scullucs Nahita: Ah, thanks. I'd probably seen that in the past, just didn't quite remember. 15:21