This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022. |
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sampersand—2B +| +^2B == FF | say $addition.function()(1, 2); # OUTPUT: «3» # OR say $addition.function.(1, 2); # OUTPUT: «3» is the () at the start explicit syntactic sugar for . in this case or is the fact that ()( and .( are the same a coincidence | 20:26 | |
sub squared( Int $num ) { $num² }; say squared($_) for ^5; # OUTPUT: «014916» what's ^ for in ^5? | 20:40 | ||
Oh that's a range | |||
nahita3882 | .() is short for () like .[] is for [] etc. (postcircumfixes listed here are the others) | 21:48 | |
operators are functions in disguise, sometimes they are in methods | 21:49 | ||
in the case of these postcircumfix ones, the invocant is to implement CALL-ME etc. | |||
that it's all uppercase means it's not expected to be called from the user side; it2s automatically called by the compiler when the corresponding sugar happens, i.e., .() for CALL-ME | 21:50 | ||
kind of like the dunders of Python | |||
in your first example, we infer that $addition.function is itself a callable and also evaluates to one | 21:51 | ||
last thing to note is if you only "mention" the name of a callable (without & in front, so it's in the "verb" form, not "noun"), it gets called automatically | 21:52 | ||
that's in play in the 3rd line in your first example | 21:53 | ||
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sampersand—2B +| +^2B == FF | i got my example from teh operators page. I guess i wasnt super clear: .function.(1,2) makes sense, and it works if function is a field, because that way you aren't trying to call the method function like you would .function(1,2). What's not clear to me is why .function()(1,2) works the same way: wouldnt that call the field function with no args, then call that return value with two | 23:41 | |
args? |