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sampersand—2B +| +^2B == FF ah cool 01:29
01:30 sjn joined
is there a way to get the digits of an integer? 01:36
is that equiv to |((1,2) xx 3) or is (|(1,2)) xx 3 a special thing 01:41
antononcube Try 335.Str.comb 02:35
02:50 sjn left
The latter I would say, sematically speaking. 02:51
> A Slip is a List that automatically flattens into an outer List (or other list-like container or iterable). > [...] > A Slip may also be created by using the prefix:<|> operator. 02:52
sampersand—2B +| +^2B == FF ahh ok cool 03:34
123.Str.comb>>.^name why's this yield Seq and not Str 03:35
03:40 Heptite joined 05:02 sjn joined
Also, how can I make $!value.comb.map({ ::?CLASS.new: .Int }).list cleaner without using .map? 05:31
I feel like there's an easier way
05:44 Heptite left
uli.pink hai, i am confused about @ vs $ with arrays. i can seemingly assign arrays and clone arrays to identifiers with $ and also index into them, however the converse is not true, however i cannot store non-array types into an @ identifier, i tried introspecting with WHAT but im still confused 05:48
sampersand—2B +| +^2B == FF frmo what i understand, you can program all of raku just using $—the @ sigil is a holdover from perl. but i could be totall yoff-base about it 05:57
rcmlz The % and @ sigils in Raku generally indicate multiple values to an iteration construct, whereas the $ sigil indicates only one value. 08:49
docs.raku.org/language/containers 08:50
antononcube I think both Steve Roe and Elizabeth Mattijsen have articles on Raku sigils . 09:07
Here: rakujourney.wordpress.com/2022/12/24/on-sigils/ 09:57
Also, here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvDZUlNHGCw 09:59
10:19 Heptite joined 12:23 Heptite left
nahita3882 that's a bug, some compile time transformation happens for the metamethod and it doesn't play well with the hyper 14:51
same happens for .WHAT, too
i had asked about the case of WHAT, and it's to do with it being a macro-like thing 14:52
antononcube I thought it was a feature, which I could not explain (to myself and others...)
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SrainUser I'm getting the error: 'use lib' cannot be pre-compiled and thus cannot be used in a module. What do I use instead of 'use lib "."' in imported modules? 20:12
20:38 Heptite joined
SrainUser My question was answered on the main raku channel. 21:11
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